Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride High School News - Volume 57

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School

Published October 25, 2020

Volume 57

Kimberly Jones - High School Principal

Events & Announcements

HIgh School Chapel

What an incredible sight at the TCS stadium...450 HS students challenged to become “super-spreaders!” No, not the spreading of Iranian and Russian misinformation. No, not the spreading of COVID. But the super-spreading of Christ and all the fabulous earth-shaking world-changing principles that God has embedded in each of us. We have all been called to be contagious!

Our new HS chapel series is called CONTAGIOUS: What are you spreading? (see below). Nathan Blevins powerfully kicked off the series last week by challenging us to boldness. To be contagious and courageous and boldly bring the Christ story to our own lives, our campus life, and ultimately to the world. Way to go Mr. Blevins.

Please be in prayer for the upcoming topics and speakers:

Operation Christmas Child shoebox Drive

It is that time of year lean into the lives of the less fortunate around the world and provide Christmas joy, hope, and the message of Jesus. TCS HS, through the efforts of the Bible Department, will be collecting money and resources to send Christmas boxes around the world. The collection date for these boxes will be on or before 11/16. More information will be provided to the students through their Bible classes. 

Here is the website for the proactive and curious:

Backpack Buddies of Coweta

The TCS HS has a great opportunity to partner with BackPack Buddies over this Christmas holiday by providing cereal to their foodbank. Our goal is to collect 800 large cereal boxes (any kind) by 12/11. If we can get every HS student to bring in 2 boxes per person before the deadline, then we will easily meet our county’s needs.

Please be in prayer for those who experience hunger as part of their daily routine. If you are interested in BackPack Buddies then go here:


We are excited to say we will be celebrating Homecoming again this year. TCS plans to continue our tradition of offering a Spirit Dress-up week, Hallway and Float Decorating, Parade, Powderpuff game, and Homecoming Dance. Yet, since this is a unique year we would like to get your permission for your HS student to participate in these activities. Therefore, we need one parent to please fill out the google form at the link below. 

Homecoming Waiver

Here is a list of the fun activities we are planning for the week.

Homecoming Spirit Week Themes

Monday, November 2nd

Quarantine Fits (Pajama Day)

Tuesday, November 3rd

Decade Day (Choose your favorite)

Wednesday, November 4th

Character Day (Must be appropriate for TCS)

Thursday, November 5th

Surfers vs. Bikers (See Teen Beach Movie)


Friday, November 6th

Head-to-Toe Spirit (Get Tacky!)

Homecoming Parade 

Our annual Homecoming Parade will be Thursday, Nov 5th. It will begin at 6:10pm. Please stand around the baseball field and lower parking lot. 

Homecoming Pep Rally

The pep rally will follow the parade and kick off our powderpuff game.

Homecoming Powderpuff Game

Thursday, November 5th from 7:30-8:30 pm

If you are not familiar with a powderpuff game, it is where roles are reversed and guys are the cheerleaders and girls are the players while the teachers are the coaches. The game will be Thursday, November 5th from 7:30-8:30 pm.

Homecoming Game

Friday, November 6th @ 7:30 pm.

Come support our football team as we try to take on another victory. 

Be sure to stay for half-time and see our beautiful and handsome homecoming court and see which seniors get crowned King and Queen. 

See their picture and bio below.  

2020 HOCO Court

Homecoming Dance

Since we are in Covid-19 Season, we will be having a…..


Get creative and match your mask with your attire. 

When: Saturday, November 7th

Where: TCS Gathering Place 

Time: 7pm - 10pm

Ticket Prices: 

$10 (Oct. 26-30th) $15 (Nov. 2nd-6th) and $20 at the door

Dress: Semi-Formal

Guys’ Dress Code Guidelines:

Girls Dress Code Guidelines:

Deadline for girls to submit dress photos is Thursday, Nov. 5th at 3:30. 

Guest Form

For anyone bringing a guest, this form will need to be filled out and returned to front office.

Homecoming Mask Decoration Workshop

(For Girls Only)

This workshop is for those who are desiring to create a decorative HOCO mask for the Homecoming Week and/or Homecoming Dance.  

Workshop sessions will be the week of Oct 26th, a week before HOCO.

There will be ready made mask available and embellishments on hand for decorating.  You can bring your own mask or fabric (1/4 yard needed) or your own embellishments.  Glue and Guidance will be provided.  If you bring fabric, Mrs. Simonton  will custom make the mask for you.


Cost:  $10 cash

Sessions: Art Room, Limited Seating per session


Zoom Admissions Lunches! 

Interested in the next step post high school? Not sure where to apply? 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet with Admissions Counselors at a wide variety of institutions to discuss admissions and programming! Up next are Samford, Clemson, and UGA.  Students will register for these sessions via the google form link listed below.