Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride High School News - Volume 67

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School

Published January 17, 2021

Volume 67

Kimberly Jones - High School Principal

Events & Announcements

MLK day - no school

Monday, January 18th is a school holiday in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. We hope you will use this time as a point of remembrance of the legacy of this great man!

Wednesday, January 20 is Inauguration Day

Cool facts about Inauguration Day

The head of state of the USA has been a president since 1789. In that year, George Washington was elected and inaugurated as president of the United States of America. He was inaugurated for the first time on April 30, 1789, and for the second time on March 4, 1793. Subsequent inaugurations were held on March 4 until the second inauguration of President Franklin Roosevelt on January 20, 1937. 

Since then Inauguration Day has been held on January 20 and the term of office officially starts at 12:00 noon on that date.

This timing falls during the lunch hour for our students at the high school.  With this in mind, we will have classrooms open for students to eat lunch and view this ceremony.

Save the Date

TCS Class of 2021 Graduation

Thursday 5/20 at 7pm 

More details to come

Lunchtime adjustment

Due to Covid and the need for social distancing and mask requirements, we are making an adjustment to the Thursday lunch time beginning this week, January 21. 

The new Thursday lunch time period is now the same length as every other day. Thursday lunch will now be 12:05-12:45 with 5th period beginning at 12:50! Juniors and seniors leaving campus need to make note of this to keep from being late to their 5th period classes. The changes have been reflected on Renweb schedules.

Reminders and Answers to FAQ’s

Should my student log into distance learning?

Please remember that distance learning is designed for those students that are requiring to be out of school for a long term medical reason ie quarantine, surgery, prolonged illness, etc.  If you have questions about the medical needs of your student and how they may impact their academic needs, please connect with Nurse Kacey White  She will serve as the first point of contact as she will be able to assist with further direction.  Distance learning is not designed for students who are absent due to being too ill to actually come to school.  These situations should permit for students to just stay home, be absent, recover, and return with the intent to complete make up work. 

Any student that is logging into distance learning is marked as present and will be expected to complete assignments, tests, quizzes, etc as planned for that class. 

How are things going with GO WEEK so far? 

Each day, a different bible class is sent out to serve at various community organizations such as Backpack Buddies, Bridging the Gap, Hope Global, and Midwest Food Bank.  Here are just a few things that the classes have been able to lend a helping hand in over the past week:

  • Creating food bags for all of the public schools in Coweta County. 

  • Organize pallets of food that came in from a food bank in Atlanta 

  • We delivered 30 bags of food to Odyssey Charter School! 

  • Boxed food from "HelloFresh" that will go out to partner organizations and them out to individuals

  • Bagged food to store from "HelloFresh"

  • Moved furniture, removed debris, cleaned, painted the interior, and provided yard work on a house in downtown Newnan that two families will be living in (2 mothers and 7 children). An apartment fire has caused this family to find a new home. The families were able to move into this home on Friday 1/15!


What do students need to know for their GO WEEK assignment day? 

  • GO WEEK is a part of our Trinity culture and all students are expected to take part in this wonderful opportunity of serving the community. However, if students decide not to attend their GO WEEK service opportunity, then they should plan to attend their regular classes since school is in session. If they decide not to attend the service project or regular classes, then they will need to bring in a medical note to make up the work. 

  • Students should come prepared with a mask and a lunch. 

  • Students should bring their completed release forms (which will be emailed to students) for each trip. They will not be able to attend without these forms.

  • Mr. Whittle will send a reminder email a day or two before a student is scheduled to serve.  

What are the counseling department updates? 

  • Drop/Add Period: Monday, Jan 4th- Wednesday, Jan 13th 

    • Please contact your grade level counselor for questions/concerns regarding scheduling. 

    • Drop/Add period for Point University Dual Enrollment courses is the same 

  • January 26th - PSAT testing for Juniors on Campus 

  • High School Advisement Day: February 11th, forms due on February 26th. 

  • 9th Grade transition meeting on Feb 4th at 6:00pm (Rising 9th Grade)

  • January 27th- Piedmont College Admission Zoom Lunch - Mr. Shack’s Room 

Link to meeting:

The Class of 2021 have selected the following Senior Superlatives:

Mr. & Mrs. Trinity: Michael Freeman and Reagan Rogers 

Best Eyes: Connor Smith and Bella Scott 

Most Athletic: Danny Baird and Molly Duncan 

Most Creative: Luke Hineline and Jordan Roberts 

Most Spirited: Tyler Brown and Emma Hancock 

Most Talented: Will Price and Mali Bourque 

Class Clown: Palmer Davis and Cassie Hartshorn 

Best to bring home to mom and Dad: Kinsey Stierwalt and Bryan McGuire 

Most likely to be famous: Sami Pissis and Gracie Taylor 

Most Likely to be President: Matt Fourman and Beth Owen

Most Likely to be late to Graduation: Chase McBurnett and Jordan Lee Crook 

Class Mom and Dad: Robert Mitchell and Mel Landers 

Most Changed since Freshman year: Kyle Stephenson and Sydney Bragg 

Worst Case of Senioritis: Logan Lundy and Bailey West 

Most Optimistic: Sarah Hurt and Josh Olson 

Best sense of humor: Nathan Moore and Sierra Randolph 

Most Talkative: Harley Pendley and Michael Morge

Most Friendly: Maddie Donnelly and Cameron Jones 

Most likely to go pro: Isaac Brito and Anna Denes

HIgh School Chapel

Wow! All I can say is “Wow!” about Kenny Dallas’ powerful message on expensive faith taken from Heb.11:4-6. He demonstrated that “expensive faith” is on every page of scripture. However, the only way any of us can have meaning from our successes, our losses, or our difficulties is if they are invested into the hand of God. My suffering and my difficulties are redeemed only if I put my faith in God no matter the cost. The ultimate truth is that the expense of faith is easily outpaced by its reward.
Kenny quote: “Your life is a coin, you can spend it any way you want but you can only spend it once.” Expensive faith and expensive doubt are both expensive but only one can get you into Hebrews 11. Thanks Kenny. You can check him out here:

Please continue to pray for the upcoming topics and speakers

  • 1/21/21 - Brian Long - OBEDIENT faith (Heb. 11:7)

  • 1/28/21 - Tony Geasley - WAITING faith (Heb. 11:8-16)


Seniors, please use this link to request transcripts with first semester grades to be sent to colleges. Please do not email a request. Transcripts will be sent when they are finalized, about the second week of January. Unofficial transcripts will also be emailed to students and parents.