Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride High School News - Volume 73

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School

Published February 28, 2021

Volume 73

Kimberly Jones - High School Principal

Events & Announcements

Art Missions at Work

Back in the fall of 2019, the Trinity High School Art students began to partner with an underprivileged school in Lanett, Alabama, painting murals in the hallways to inspire and encourage these students to desire to come to school.  

 This year, we are continuing our mural efforts at Five Points School, and we wanted to give credit to these amazing young artists who gave of their time and talents during winter break to bless others.  Please enjoy these "work in progress" images from our time together.


 Last week as we celebrated God together, we were privileged by the challenge set down by KC Lorow in his stimulating chapel message called “The Journey of the Believer” taken from the Damascus Road encounter of Saul/Paul (Acts 9; Cf. also Acts 22 and 26). KC utilized the sin to salvation story of Saul/Paul to challenge all of us to embrace that same remarkable grace story. If the chief persecutor of the early church could become the foremost preacher in the world, then anything is possible for any of us as we encounter the ferociously holy and graciously good God. Imagine, the one that initially sought to kill christians in Palestine has now, once redeemed, written ½ of the New Testament and evangelized the whole world. That can only be explained by a God encounter and a grace offer. What will you do with your God encounter and grace offer?

Black History Month

Our History classes have just completed weeks three of Black History Month.  Over the course of the week the classes were specifically highlighting Black Americans whose innovations have impacted American life in some way. Here are some more details from each level of high school history:

 In Economics, students took time to study the life of Black economist, author, researcher, and social theorist Thomas Sowell. He has written over 30 books and helped shape our understanding of systematic racism, government intervention into our daily life, the Einstein Syndrome (the phenomenon of late-talking children), private vs public education, and how free-market systems can benefit peoples of all races and cultures. 

PreAP World History students have been conducting research on black leaders and innovators throughout history in preparation of completing class presentations. Some of the men and women chosen by our students have included but are not limited to Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, Loving v. Virginia, Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela, and Jackie Robinson.

AP Government's focus has been on Civil Rights, which includes A. Philip Randolph and the Brotherhood of the Sleeping Car Porters, W.E.B. du Bois and Thurgood Marshall with the NAACP, Martin Luther King, JR and the SCLC, Malcom X, March on Washington, Bus Boycott, Rosa Parks, and more. We read the I Have a Dream speech in part and the entire Letter from a Birmingham Jail. 

AP US History continues to focus on the late 1800s, including reading Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Exposition Speech and W.E.B. du Bois and the NAACP, and George Washington Carver's contributions to science.

  • Week Four: March 1-5 - Highlight Black Americans whose ideas have been Transformational to an aspect of our society.  

**Because of winter break, we will continue into the first week of March

Junior / Senior Prom

Thursday, April 1st

7:00pm - 11:00pm

This year, we will have an outdoor Prom. It will be held in the beautiful gardens of Glendalough Manor.

Please see the link below for dress code guidelines:

LINK: Dress Code Guidelines

Link: Guest Forms

Ticket Prices

$70 - (March 15th - 19th)

$80 (March 29th - March 31st)

$95 if (April 1st).

Tickets can be purchased at the front office and at the entrance of prom.

Save the Date

TCS Graduation

Thursday, May 20 @ 7:00pm

More details to come

Upcoming Dress Down Days

  • March 11 - 50’s Day - to celebrate 50 days of school. Wear attire from the 50’s.

  • March 12 - Maskaversary - to commemorate our move to DL 1 year ago we are going to do Pajama Day

  • March 17 - St. Patrick's Day - green and jeans

Half-Day Friday 3/26

Time to Order Your Graduation Announcements and Cap/Gown Packages

Order Online at   

Here a short clip to help Seniors with ordering the Cap & Gown Packages:

  • Choose Trinity Christian and click submit    

  • Click on the image Cap & Gown Packages         

             (we are asking all Seniors to take care of this no later than February 19th)    

  • Choose from Package A, B, or C    

            *If you choose B or C these items will ship directly to your home from our Student Center*

  • Click on the image Announcements    

  • Choose from Package A, B, C, or D    

            *All announcement packages will be shipped directly to your home*

Graduation Cap/Gown Pictures - Monday, March 29th

Make sure you get your graduation cap/gown package ordered TODAY so you can receive it in time to have your picture taken!

High School Spring Pictures

Monday, March 29th

HOPE Scholars

Hot off the press! 80 out of 93 Seniors currently qualify as HOPE Scholars! This is a fantastic number and a great representation for our TCS Lions!