Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride High School News - Volume 75

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School

Published March 14, 2021

Volume 75

Kimberly Jones - High School Principal

Events & Announcements


Since we live in an ever-softening, victim-oriented, cancel-culture world, it is even more critical now for parents, teachers, coaches, and mentors to prepare our kids for the road ahead instead of preparing the road for our kids. Therefore, in chapel we are beginning this important dialogue through a message series called “Tough Truths for Tough Teens.” 

High School Spring Pictures

Monday, March 29th

Graduation Cap/Gown Pictures - Monday, March 29th

  • Boys wear a white button-down shirt with a black tie

  • Girls wear a white blouse

  • Be sure you iron your gown (on low setting) and bring your cap/tassel

Half-Day Friday 3/26

Extended Spring Break April 1 - April 11

Spring break is just around the corner and this year will have a little extra time off!  Here is what it will look like:

Good Friday falls on Friday April 2 which was already a scheduled day off from school. We are adding in Thursday April 1 as a day off from school.  Please note that we will continue to have our athletic events as well as the Prom!! YAY

Junior / Senior Prom

Thursday, April 1st

7:00pm - 11:00pm

This year, we will have an outdoor Prom. It will be held in the beautiful gardens of Glendalough Manor.

Please see the link below for dress code guidelines:

LINK: Dress Code Guidelines

Link: Guest Forms

Ticket Prices

$70 - (March 15th - 19th)

$80 (March 29th - March 31st)

$95 if (April 1st).

Tickets can be purchased at the front office and at the entrance of prom.


TCS Graduation

Thursday, May 20 @ 7:00pm

Our graduates and two individuals will sit in pods on the field.  ONLY two tickets will be provided to the graduate to share with the individuals to sit on the field with them. The stadium will be open for anyone else that would like to attend this milestone event!

Upcoming Dress Down Day

  • March 17 - St. Patrick's Day - green and jeans

Counseling Information: 

March 18th 6:30pm

March 18th 6:30pm The 9th Grade Transition Meeting in the multipurpose room at the high school