Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Senior Accepts Softball Scholarship to Appalachian State University

Trinity Christian School senior, Claire C. signed a Letter of Intent to attend Appalachian State University and play softball in Fall 2020. TCS recently hosted a celebration in honor of Claire’s decision to sign with ASU. Coaches and teachers, as well as Claire’s classmates and teammates attended to show their support.

Claire is at the top of her class, with a 4.32 GPA. As a student athlete, she played tennis, was on the track team, made the All-State Softball Team for the Georgia Dugout Club, and was on Trinity’s first All Region Softball Team.

Claire is a well-rounded student, who is also involved in the National Honor Society and BETA Club.

So what do you do when you’re also passionate about advocating women’s rights? You make plans to study Pre-Law and Political Science. That’s what Claire is focused on pursuing along her career path.

The Trinity family is proud of Claire and her achievements, and we look forward to remaining connected throughout her future endeavors.

Congrats Claire!