Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published January 31, 2021

Volume 69

Stock the Room Week Thank You!

Room Parents hosted a Stock the Room Week the week of Jan. 25th for Pre-K 3 through 5th to resupply the teachers and specials teachers/support staff with items that the they needed such as Chlorox Wipes, Lysol Spray, Kleenex, pencils, paper towels, etc. The response was amazing! I’d just like to give the parents recognition for their generosity. Some of the comments that the teachers had were:

This is like Christmas! (Said at least 6 times!)

Wow! We have such generous parents!

Thank you all so much for all you do!  We love you!

Thank you SO much for anything, this is such a blessing :)

Thank you so much for doing this for us.  It really means a great deal.

Thank you so much for doing this!  It is such a blessing.

Thank you so much for doing this!  This is another HUGE blessing!

Thank you so much for doing this! This is such a blessing!

Thank you so much!!!



Book Breaking Thank You!

Thank you to all the parents that joined us Tuesday morning to help sort math pages for 1st and 2nd grade teachers! We appreciate your help! If you missed this one, don’t worry - we’ll be getting together again Feb. 23rd to sort more pages! Look for the sign-up coming soon!

Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

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