Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 116
Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF
Published February 6, 2022
Volume 116
Stock the Room Week!
Don’t forget to send in your supplies for your lower school/UES and Specials Teachers this week! Lower school parents should have received an email from your room parent with your teacher’s list of items to resupply her classroom along with a list of items the specials teachers have requested. Please don’t forget to label your items with the teacher’s name when you send them to school this week.
Thank you for supporting our teachers!
Volunteer Opportunities
Math Book Page Sorting - Mon. Feb 7th
We have our last page sorting volunteer opportunity of the year Monday, February 7th from 8:30 am - 2:00 pm. Parents are needed to sort pages from math workbooks by student. We will be sorting pages in room 129 by the church office. If you have some free time we'd love to have your help! We have 2-hour slots below, but feel free to drop in at any time for as long as you can stay! This is a great way to get to know other Trinity parents and catch up with friends!
HS Lunch Monitor
Wed. 2/23 & 4/13
Thank you to all the parents that helped monitor our HS lunchroom last Wednesday while our HS teachers had their staff meeting - your help was greatly appreciated! We still have several opportunities for volunteers for the Feb. 23rd staff meeting. Please note - you do NOT have to be a high school parent to volunteer for this. This is open to all Trinity parents!