Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 137
Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF
Published August 7, 2022
Volume 137
Volunteer Opportunity
Book Breaking
Our K-2nd Teachers need our help with their math workbooks! Parents are needed to sort math workbook pages by lesson. We will be sorting pages in the old preschool/church building (Wed 8/10 & Fri 8/12) and at Go Church (Thurs 8/11). If you have some free time we'd love to have your help!
We have 2-hour slots below, but feel free to drop in at any time for as long as you can stay! This is a great way to get to know other Trinity parents and catch up with friends!
Room Parents (K3 - 3rd) &
Home Room Parents (4th & 5th)
We have an amazing group of teachers at Trinity; however, they need and love our help! Each grade needs the help and support of parents to work with the teachers and organize events. Please let us know if you are interested in being a Room Parent (K3-3rd) or Homeroom Parent (4th/5th).
Room Parent (K3 - 3rd)
Room parents help to plan the class parties, recognize teachers on their birthday (or ½ birthday), assist with teacher appreciation week and work with teachers as needed for special events throughout the year. Normally, each class has a team of two room parents working together. Questions can be sent to Room Parent Interest Form
Home Room Parents
We are requesting a homeroom parent for each home room; however, all four homeroom parents will work together to coordinate grade level parties. Questions can be sent to: Homeroom Parent Interest Form
Annual Fund Volunteers
Each grade has a volunteer ambassador who gives of their time to support the TCS Annual Fund and works alongside the Annual Fund Leadership Team. Annual Fund Ambassadors use their creative talents to encourage other parents in the grade level they represent to encourage participation, is actively involved in the two-week TCS Annual Fund Campaign and is an enthusiastic advocate of Trinity Christian School. YOU WILL NOT ASK OTHER PARENTS FOR MONEY!
Boo-Hoo / Yahoo Parent Fellowship
Tue, Aug 9th After Morning Carline
Come meet and fellowship with Trinity Parents at the Boo-Hoo / Yahoo breakfast after carline on the first day of school (Tue., Aug 9th). We will be meeting at Truett’s Chick-fil-a in Newnan (by Ashley Park) after drop off (Thank you to Trinity Booster Randy Burgess for allowing us to host our event at Truett’s!).
About PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship)
The PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) strives to make connections with our students, parents, grandparents, staff and community. We love to connect with others who are “Called to Serve” in our school community. Throughout the year, you will see updates, information and volunteer opportunities from us in our PTF section of Inside the Pride (ITP), on the Trinity Family FaceBook page, and through email (