Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 178
Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF
Published July 16, 2023
Volume 178
Volunteer Opportunities
Welcome back to school! We are excited to partner with you to help make this school year a success for our students, teachers and families! Below are a few volunteer opportunities we have to start this year!
Trinity Wear Exchange:
We are excited to host a Trinity Wear Exchange at our Welcome to the ROAR event Sunday, Aug. 6th, and we need some help setting up the exchange table. We will meet at the Trinity Wear Exchange Table at 3:00 pm Aug. 6th. Set-up will be from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. Volunteers get first pick of items so this is a great opportunity to help and shop early! We also need help breaking down the table and putting everything away at 7:30 pm.
Trinity Wear Exchange Volunteer Sign-up
Back to School Staff Meeting Set-up:
Help us welcome our Trinity teachers and staff back to school by putting together "Welcome Back" treats that will be given to them at their All Staff Meeting to kick-off the 2023-24 Trinity School Year!
Location: Gym
Date: Sunday, July 30th
Time: 4:30pm - we're done
**Middle School/Beta Club Students are welcome for Community Service Hours**
General Volunteer Sign-up:
Through the school year, PTF shares sign-ups and opportunities to volunteer in the Inside the Pride PTF section and also on the Trinity Family Facebook page. Sometimes, last minute help is needed or volunteers to support specific projects. Please let us know your interest in volunteering using the form below.
Coming Soon:
Room Parent (PreK3 - 3rd) / Grade Parent (4th - 5th) Interest Form
Boo-Hoo / Yahoo Parent Fellowship
Come meet and fellowship with Trinity Parents at the Boo-Hoo / Yahoo breakfast after carline at Line Creek Chick-fil-a after drop off on the 1st day of school!
Location: Line Creek Chick-fil-a
Date: Tue, Aug 8th after Morning Carline
Teacher/Staff Birthday Recognition will resume in August!
Earn Money for Our School!
Click Here for instructions on how to sign-up or link your account.
About PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship)
The PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) strives to make connections with our students, parents, grandparents, staff and community. We love to connect with others who are “Called to Serve” in our school community. Throughout the year, you will see updates, information and volunteer opportunities from us in our PTF section of Inside the Pride (ITP), on the Trinity Family FaceBook page, and through email (