Inside the Pride Lower School News - Volume 102
Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower School
Published October 17, 2021
Volume 102
The Principal’s Piece: A Note From Mrs. Randolph
We have completed our first nine weeks of school! I pray that your child is growing in their relationship with God, making friends, and increasing their academic knowledge. Teachers have been busy scheduling parent teacher conferences. I encourage you to make every effort to attend a conference. It is a great opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher, as we partner together for your child’s educational success.
Report cards will be available for viewing on Monday, October 18th.
Classroom Highlight - A Peek Into Our Classroom Fun
Check out the fun second grade had on their field trip to Ole McDermitt’s Farm!
Last Week in Chapel
Last week we learned about the Fruit of the Spirit, Gentleness. We learned that as Christians the fruit of gentleness should be evident in all we say and do. Gentleness is displayed when we use helpful words and not hurtful words.
Main Focus: I must be gentle in my words and my actions.
Power Verse: “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” – Ephesians 4:2
Whatchagaddaknow: “I Gotta Be Gentle With My Words & My Deeds!”
Updated Lunch times for 1st-3rd Grades
Please note the adjusted lunch times for 1st-3rd grades. This will go into effect upon our return from Fall break. This adjusted schedule is more conducive to the classroom learning environment and will ensure our students are benefiting from all aspects of our curriculum.
1st: 12:10-12:35
2nd: 12:35-1:00
3rd: 12:40-1:05
Preschool Thanksgiving Programs
We are approaching a special time of year, when our sweet preschool students are learning all about a spirit of thankfulness, God’s goodness, and the beautiful Fall season. We invite you to join us for our Thanksgiving Preschool Programs! Our programs will be in the evening and each program will be followed by a Thanksgiving celebration. More details soon! Please note that these will be evening programs.
K3 Students - Thursday, November 18th
K4 Students - Thursday, November 18th
Elementary Clubs
Our students love participating in after school clubs! We will be adding an elementary dance club. Please see the Performing Arts section for more details about this exciting opportunity. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey ( who oversees all of our elementary clubs.
Drama Club - 1st - 3rd grades
Drama Club - 4th-5th grades
Running Club - 1st-3rd grades
Chess Club 1st-5th
Running Club - 4th-5th grades
Blackbaud: Classroom Updates & Information
To stay informed of what’s happening in your child’s classroom, please login into Blackbaud weekly. You will be able to see information such as weekly classroom announcements, upcoming events, weekly academic focus, grades, attendance, etc. This is the key to staying informed and will replace the hardcopy newsletter sent home in the past. I encourage you to login each week. We are excited for this new format! Information will be updated each Sunday at 5pm.
Accessing your child's class information weekly:
Login to your Blackbaud account and select your child's name under "Children".
Find your child's homeroom class under the "Progress" tab by scrolling down to where classes are listed.
After selecting the homeroom class, you will see the teacher's main class page where you will locate upcoming dates, class reminders and news.
Select the "Topics" tab to see specific information for each individual subject. Within each subject folder, you will see a plan for the week and upcoming projects and test information.
The "Topics" pages update each Sunday evening at 5pm and will remain current until the following Sunday evening.