Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride Lower School News - Volume 182

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower School

Published August 13, 2023

Volume 182

Sherry Randolph - Early Learning & Lower School Principal

The Principal’s Piece: A Note From Mrs. Randolph

We had a fabulous first week of school! It was such a delight to see our students once again. I hope your child enjoyed meeting their teachers and making new friends. You will see much growth in your child over these next 10 months.  It is going to be a great year!

Upcoming Events

  • August 21st - PICTURE DAY - More details to come soon

  • September 1st - REMOTE LEARNING DAY - No School

  • September 4th - SCHOOL HOLIDAY - No School

Last Week in Chapel

We will officially begin Chapel this coming Wednesday! I encourage you to read this section each week for information about what we are learning during our Chapel time. Each week, we will have a rotation of leaders who teach the week’s lesson - Sherry Randolph (LS Principal), Ashley Moore (Director of Student Life), Jennifer Duncan (Director of LEO program), and Kami Heilman (Trinity Church Children’s Pastor). We are excited about this special time to worship together and grow in our walk with Christ.

Online Curriculum Resource 

Student login information for Lower School's reading curriculum will be sent home soon! This resource provides families with an opportunity to review vocabulary words, grammar skills, and spelling patterns through interactive games. In addition, students can review the reading story that is read throughout the week in class. Teachers have beautifully woven a Biblical perspective within each lesson to connect and apply God's truths throughout this curriculum. As you navigate the online resource, we encourage parents to discuss those Biblical principles with their child as they will not be evident in the curriculum itself. As with any online learning, we recommend parent supervision. We feel this resource will strengthen the partnership between the classroom and home to ensure academic success for all students. When you login, select the reading book image to launch the online program.

Important Dismissal Information For PreK4 and Kindergarten Parents/Students Only

Have you registered for PickUp Patrol? Have you confirmed your child’s default dismissal plan?

Getting started:

REGISTER: You will receive a registration email with a link to set up your account. The web app is free to parents and you can use it from your smartphone or computer. 

For easy access, follow the instructions in your registration email for how to add it to your phone’s home screen (PUP is not accessed through the app stores).

If you are already registered (had a student here last year), you can log in to PUP and set your child's default plan.

ENTER DEFAULT PLANS: Once you register, log into your PickUp Patrol account by Monday, August 7 to confirm your child’s default dismissal plan. It’s important that you complete this step so that we can accurately dismiss your children. 

How it works:

Your child's regular dismissal plan is entered into the system. This is called their Default Plan. Then whenever you have a change to the Default Plan, you’ll submit it through the PUP app. When the change is submitted, the school will be notified.

PLEASE NOTE:  Changes must be submitted by 12:00pm on the day of the change.  You will not be able to make changes after the 12:00pm deadline.

Important Dismissal Information for Main Campus Students (1st-3rd)

Parents, We have partnered with the company safeDISMISSAL.COM to facilitate our dismissal process for our Early Learning campus (PreK-3 through Kinder) and our Main Campus (1st - 8th grades). One of the many wonderful features of this dismissal process is that your children will remain comfortably and safely in their classroom until the moment they meet you in the "car loading zone". 

Here are a few tips to follow during our dismissal process: 

  • Please make sure to have your ‘pick-up’ card displayed in your front window when entering the dismissal line. Please keep your card displayed until your child has been loaded into your car. 

  • Please stay in-line (no passing) during dismissal as the children will be instructed to walk to specific spots for loading. 

  • To reduce your wait time, please keep up with the car in front of you.  Stay attentive and focused on the car line.

  • If your student does not arrive at the loading spot before you do, you may be instructed to move to a "waiting" area where your child will be notified again. We ask you to move to this area so that we do not hold up the remaining dismissal line.  

  • Please note:  Your child is assigned to be picked up at a particular spot according to the order of cars in line each day.  Please follow the car in front of you until the line stops, regardless of where you might or might not see your child.  Stopping before the line has filled will cause the sequence to be thrown off and delay the line.  We will get your child to the proper spot should they have gone to the wrong place.

Finally, we ask for your patience the first couple of weeks of school as everyone gets accustomed to the process.  It will get faster/better each day!

The administrators and teachers are committed to making this process beneficial to all parties. Please visit for more information.  Below are a couple of helpful resources to further explain the process.

SafeDismissal Parent INTRO Video

SafeDismissal Parents Info Sheet


If you have any questions throughout the summer, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to help! Please see the guide below to reach the most appropriate personnel.

  • LS Director of Student Life - Ashley Moore (

    • Mrs. Moore can assist you with general questions regarding the school calendar, uniforms, supply lists, etc.

  • LS Academic Dean - Leslie Cook (

    • Mrs. Cook can assist you with any academic-related needs for PreK-.3rd grade