Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 116

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 6, 2022

Volume 116

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Feb 7 Winter Classics Concert - The Gathering Place - 7pm

  • Feb 10 Elementary Talent Show

  • Feb 24-26 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium - Week 1

  • Mar 3-5 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium - Week 2

  • Mar 12 Literary Region Competition 

  • Mar 19 & 26 Literary Finals Competition

  • Mar 25 & 26 Southern Star Band Festival - Six Flags, GA

  • Apr 8-9 District Fine Arts Competition

  • Apr 21 Performing Arts Honors & Awards Night

  • Apr 23 District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival

  • May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - 7pm

  • May 3 Band Concert - 7pm

  • May 4 Middle School Talent Show

  • May 4-6 Marching Lions & Varsity Drum Corps Auditions

  • May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp

  • Aug 1-5 National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL



There are multiple events which require registration or a completed interest form. Below is the information you will need for each of these events as they approach. ALL of these forms are due by February 1, 2022 - this will eliminate any confusion on when to turn in your information. We look forward to getting your students involved in each of these events!

Southern Star Band Festival - Google Form

Southern Star - This is a Band Festival we plan to participate in at Six Flags, Atlanta. We would go on that Friday and perform before judges. We would also get a mini-clinic with our band right there on stage. Then, on Saturday, we would all enjoy the park that day until the evening. Saturday evening there is a closing ceremony for all bands involved, we would all attend this together. Students would also have another one day pass to Six Flags to use any time throughout the year. If you have a season pass already, this can be factored into the cost as savings to you. There will be a cost for this trip, somewhere around $100 per student. Chaperone opportunities are available too. This is our major trip for the Spring Semester. We would like 100% of the group to go as we arrange our pieces with each of you in mind.

Fine Arts - Google Form

This is a competition that is held in our District (state of Georgia) and then qualified entries are invited to Nationals in Orlando, FL. There are many solo and group opportunities for instrumentalists. All Festival information is included in the following form. This is an INTEREST FORM only, formal registration for the Festival will come closer to the event once we have our individual and group entries all formed.

Solo & Ensemble Band Festival - Paper Form (pdf)

This is a great opportunity for solos and ensembles to get critique from qualified judges.  This feedback is so helpful as each student and group advances in their skill.  We encourage students to do this, and it is a loose format, so they can play their song of choice, as long as it’s approved by the Band Director.  We have had soloists, duets, small and large ensembles all participate in the past.

Please turn this form in to Mr. Hurt, Mr. Melton, or Mrs. Manwaring with payment by FEBRUARY 1, 2022.


TCS is eagerly anticipating our annual Elementary Talent Show!

What a special time to showcase the wide variety of God-given gifts represented in our student body!

The Elementary Talent Show will be held on Thursday, February 10th at 6:00 pm in the Student Center located in the Early Learning building.

Please fill out the google form below with your student’s talent selection and include any required information.

 All selections MUST be submitted by Tuesday, February 1st.

Participants will present their selection before our talent team on February 8th from 3:30-4:30.

Please reach out to Cathy Settle or Emily Litton with any questions!

Elementary Talent Show

GoogleForm Link:


Elementary Drama Club

GoogleForm Link:


Drum Club is our Spring Semester offering for students 5th through 12th Grade interested in all things percussion!  It will accomplish several goals:

  • Recruitment for young drummers interested in joining MS Drum Corps next year
    Breakout advanced sessions for older and more experienced players

  • Leadership opportunities

  • Experiment with different percussion instruments

  • Improvisation, Creativity, and Performance

  • Recital at the end of the season

This is new to Trinity, and a custom and creative group for all ability levels.  Advanced students will be challenged; younger students will be motivated.  

Email to register or for more information.

Form link


We are in full swing with our Arts Academy at TCS, and are interviewing INSTRUCTORS now who may be interested in joining us. If you teach privately, or know someone who does, and would like to partner with Trinity, please contact us for more information. We are serving our students AND our community through this Academy, and are seeing incredible talent in these musicians as they enhance their skills through private instruction. Perhaps you could be part of that journey…