Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 137

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published August 7, 2022

Volume 137

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Wow - what a week!  25 students took part in the National Fine Arts Festival in Orlando, Florida, competing in a variety of categories all pertaining to the Arts: instrumental, vocal, theatrical, preaching, and physical art just to name a few.  This festival encourages students to develop their Arts abilities in many different areas, and to do it for God’s glory and purpose.  Our theme this week was to stay on mission and in tune with God’s purpose, and it was a catalyst for many great conversations.  Each of our students has grown tremendously through this process, and we know great things are in store!

Stay tuned for more information about Fine Arts 2023.  This is an annual festival we participate in, and 6th through 12th graders are eligible.  Mark your calendars for March 17-18, 2023 when we will again host District Fine Arts on the Trinity campus.


We are looking for students who would like to sing the National Anthem at a sporting event or other special event throughout the school year. Football games are a tradition, of course, and we would consider other events as well. If you would like to be considered, please submit a video of yourself singing the National Anthem acapella to This is formally how you audition. We can’t wait to hear what you submit!


To enhance the Performing Arts experience at Trinity Christian School, we offer the opportunity for private instruction, with a growing number of vocal and instrumental options. Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Interested in private instruction?  This is the place for you!

Here is a list of our current instructors.  

For information regarding private music lessons, please contact one of the above instructors or visit  

To register, please contact  All private music lessons are taught on the TCS campus, and are scheduled on an individual basis.  We can’t wait to get you started!!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 


Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.  Here are just a few to start, but many more dates and events will be posted soon…

  • August 16 & 18 HS One Act Auditions

  • September 1 & 8 MS Musical Auditions

  • September 16 Band Night - Parent, Alumni, Student Pep Band

  • October 4 All State Band - Deadline to submit application

  • October 13 & 14 HS One Act Performances

  • November 2 HS Variety Show - Lunchtime

  • November 10, 12, 14 MS Musical Performances

  • November 29 4th Grade Recorders Concert - 4:30pm

  • November 29 Band Concert - 6:30pm

  • December 1 Orchestra Concert - 7pm

  • December 10 Elementary Drama Club Performances

*Questions or comments, please contact