Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 76

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published March 21, 2021

Volume 76

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

An Evening of Classics Concert - WELL DONE

This past Tuesday our High School Chamber Group hosted “An Evening of Classics”.  This concert was well done by all, and showcased our High School students and some of the pieces they have been working on this semester from the Baroque Era. 

Next up will be our May concert, where we will switch to the Modern Era and a different set of composers.  You won’t want to miss this, on Tuesday, May 4th at 7pm.  Their abilities and progress will be sure to amaze you!  See you there!

Fine Arts Competition - March 26 & 27

Several student groups and individuals will be participating in this year’s Fine Arts competition.  This is put on by the Assemblies of God, which is the fellowship Trinity Church belongs to.  Some of our groups will include the High School Chapel Worship Team, Varsity and Middle School Drum Corps, and several of our students entering individual categories. 

The Fine Arts competition is a chance for students to showcase their talents in all areas of Fine Arts, including vocal, instrumental, dramatic, physical art, preaching, and a host of other categories. Check out for more information. Let’s support our students as they prepare and perform. They are all doing such a great job!

Upcoming Concerts - THIS MAY

  • Monday, May 3 - 4th Grade Recorders, 4th & 5th Grade Strings, Middle School Orchestra - 7pm in the TCS Gym

  • Tuesday, May 4 - 5th Grade Band, Middle School Bands, High School Chamber Group & Drum Corps - 7pm in the TCS Gym

  • Monday, May 10 - 5th Grade, Middle School & High School Choruses - 7pm @ First Baptist Church, Newnan

High School Musical - May 6-8

Our production dates for Fiddler on the Roof will be Thursday through Saturday, May 6-8.  Ticket links to come soon - be on the lookout for those!

Questions? Please e-mail