Inside the Pride Middle School News - Volume 180
Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School
Published July 30, 2023
Volume 180
Only 1 week of break left before we kick off the new school year! Our teachers have returned to campus this week and are gearing up with classroom preparations to welcome all of our students back in just a few days. In addition to classroom prep, we are praying for the LORD to show Himself in mighty ways in the lives of our students this year. As image-bearers of God, we want each of our students to take further steps this year in understanding their identity as a child of the King who has gifted them in unique and mighty ways to serve His kingdom. New teachers, new students, new school year…but we remain committed to the same mission…preparing our students for tomorrow’s world. We are excited to have you with us on this journey into the 2023-2024 school year.
On Tuesday, August 1, we plan to make daily class schedules viewable to both parents and students. A separate email with instructions for viewing your child’s schedule will be sent at that time. Please plan to review the information related to your child’s schedule so we can make any corrections if needed prior to our Meet the Teacher Day on Monday, August 7.
It has been brought to our attention that one of the suggested summer reading books contains content that we would not support or deem appropriate at Trinity Christian School. The book was added to the suggested summer reading list to help prepare our students who might be interested for an upcoming academic competition against other Christian and private schools. The book was listed as part of the competition. While we sought to review the books prior to posting our recommendations, this one unfortunately slipped through our review process. We wanted to extend our apologies and are happy to address any concerns if you would like to reach out. The book has been removed from the suggested reading list. We will continue to unwaveringly hold to our Christian worldview and will increase our attention to reviewing books more extensively prior to any future recommendations.
Sunday, August 6: WELCOME TO THE ROAR = a block party style event for all of our new and returning TCS families
Monday, August 7: MEET THE TEACHER DAY = an opportunity to walk through schedules, meet teachers, etc.
Tuesday, August 8: FIRST DAY OF CLASSES = the new school year begins!
Meet the Teacher Day is important because it is more than just a chance to meet your child’s teachers! Check out this checklist below regarding all you need to accomplish on this day prior to classes beginning.
9:30-11:30am - Last Name A-L
1:30-3:3opm - Last Name M-Z
*Dress Code - Normal school day attire expected
LOCKER ASSIGNMENTS: You will pick up your child’s locker assignment in the gym.
CHROMEBOOK DISTRIBUTION: You will pick up your child’s Chromebook in the 7th/8th hallway upstairs. Note: Chromebooks are given to all 6th graders and new 7th and 8th graders.
Check out suggested options and school-related opportunities below if you are looking for ways that your child can complete the required 10 hours by May 2024. As a reminder, middle school students need 10 hours of service prior to May 6, 2024 to receive full credit. You can access the form for recording hours as well as learn more specific information about the requirements here.
TCS Opportunity #1 - Chapel Setup Team - Would your child like to arrive by 7:30am on Wednesdays to help setup chairs for chapel? Students may complete their required hours by serving each week. Email Dylan Higgins ( if you would like to sign your child up. Note: Space is limited so signing up does not guarantee a spot. Mr. Higgins will reach out to you specifically if your child is selected to participate on this team.
TCS Opportunity #2 - Cafeteria Cleaning Team - To help with the transition between lunches, we are looking for volunteers to help clear tables and pick up any remaining trash at the end of lunch each day to ensure our middle schoolers leave the cafeteria in manageable shape for our hard working lunch ladies. Students may complete their required hours by serving each week. Email Dylan Higgins ( if you would like to sign your child up. Note: Space is limited so signing up does not guarantee a spot. Mr. Higgins will reach out to you specifically if your child is selected to participate on this team.
TCS Opportunity #3 - Service and Aide Class - Check your child’s schedule this week to see if you would like to drop their Friday elective class in order to replace it with Service and Aide. The goal of the class will be to connect our students with service jobs/needs around campus. Students who enroll and remain in the class will complete their required service hours via the class.
COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITY - On Saturday, August 26 RiverLife will be organizing a community-wide Serve Day for Coweta County. Here's the idea: If every church, every group, every organization, every school in our community pulled together for ONE DAY to show love to our neighbors - what kind of impact would it have?
Register as an individual, family, or group here
Choose a project.
Join other groups at Greenville Street Park at 8:00AM for the kick-off event.
Go make a difference!
Share your #Serve story
*Note: Please complete the form to indicate YES or NO about your 8th grader’s plans for attending the trip. Students who do not attend will need to remain home from school during the trip dates as there will be no classes for 8th grade on campus.
WHO? - Rising 8th graders.
WHEN? - Sept 6-8
WHERE? - Snowbird Outfitters in Andrews, NC (
COST? - $175 (includes transportation, food, recreation)
QUESTIONS? - Email Mr. Vinson (
Check out the link below for accessing middle school t-shirts and hoodies for this upcoming school year! Remember, students can wear these spirit wear items EVERY DAY of the week.
Here is our most current supply list for the upcoming year.
We are excited about the team of teachers we have lined up for each grade level next year with most of our teachers from this past year returning!
6th Grade
Mrs. Abby Akins (Science)
Mrs. Brandie Brown (Math)
Mrs. Kasey Hanson (English)
Mrs. Melissa Lanier (Honors English)
Mr. Harris Veal (History)
Mr. Dylan Higgins and Mrs. Wendy Peters (Bible)
7th Grade
Mrs. Beth Jackson (Science)
Mrs. Millie Smith (Math)
Mrs. Kiley Huddleston (English)
Mr. Wesley Lassiter (History)
Mr. Tyson Moore (Bible)
8th Grade
Mrs. Stephanie Spencer (Science)
Mrs. Amber Hasty (Honors Science)
Mrs. Paige Whitaker (Math)
Mrs. Emily Walter (Honors Math)
Mr. Andy Hover (English)
Mrs. Jennifer Baer (Honors English)
Mrs. Kristan Peavy and Mr. Chris Bass (History)
Mr. Brian Overholtzer (Bible)
Note: For parents of previous 8th graders, you will notice that Mr. Dickens and Mr. Tipton are both missing from the list. In case you haven’t heard, they are now part of the HIGH SCHOOL team!
NEW DRESS CODE OPTIONS FOR 2023-2024 – While our dress code requirements are not changing, we are providing additional flexibility for our students this year. Students will now be permitted to wear approved TCS spirit wear, including TCS t-shirts, every day of the week! Jeans may also be worn every day of the week if worn with a TCS branded polo or spirit wear t-shirt. Check out all of the dress code guidelines in the updated student handbook.
STUDENT SCHEDULES FOR 2023-2o24 – Schedules are being finalized currently, and we hope to make them available in the next couple of weeks so each family can review prior to school beginning. Be on the lookout soon for your child’s teachers and specific classes!
SUMMER READING OPPORTUNITIES - There is NO REQUIRED SUMMER READING, but our team has put together a list of suggested books and resources if your child would like to continue reading over the summer. Students who read 3 books from the suggested list will receive an incentive the first week we are back in August. Check out our suggested list here.
SUMMER MATH WORK - Use this document to review information from Mrs. Paige Whitaker, our Math Curriculum Coordinator, regarding grade level skills your child may need to work on over the summer to ensure a smooth transition for next year. These suggestions are great for parents looking to reinforce concepts over the summer or for those just looking to keep their child sharp over the break.
23/24 SCHOOL CALENDAR: Stay in the know about upcoming breaks and holidays.
THRIVAL GUIDE: Learn more about how to not just survive, but “thrive” during middle school at TCS with thoughts and tips from our team.
If you have any questions throughout the summer or upcoming school year, use the guide below to ensure your questions are directed to the most helpful personnel.
6th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (
Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 6th grade.
7th and 8th Grade Academic Coordinator - Emily Walter (
Miss Walter can assist you with any academic-related needs for 7th/8th grade.
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties.
Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (
Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program.