Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride Middle School News - Volume 47

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School

Published August 16, 2020

Volume 47

Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal


What a blessing to be back on campus this week! We are so thankful for God’s blessing and provision. Each day is truly a gift from God, and we are thoroughly enjoying the interaction with each of your children. Please keep me updated on how we are doing in our level of service to your family. I would love to help resolve any issues your child may be experiencing at the start of the year.

New Middle School Drop-off Video

Please watch the following video to learn more about our new MS drop-off procedures.


Mr. Higgins challenged our students to see each day on campus as a gift from God this year. We were able to have 8th grade in the gym for middle school chapel and 5th grade in the gym for upper elementary chapel. The rest of our students joined in live from the classrooms. Next week we look forward to welcoming 7th and 4th grades to chapel in the gym.


To help accommodate the COVID-19 restrictions, we are changing our approach to memory verses in Bible classes this year. Normally, our students would regularly recite memory verses in class together. To avoid so many students talking at the same time, we will not be reciting our verses in class. Instead, we are encouraging families to recite memory verses together at home to help our students learn. To help aid in this approach, see the details of our memory verse approach for this year. 

  • Our 4th-8th graders will memorize 1 passage of scripture per month - Instead of memorizing verses weekly, our students will focus on 1 passage per month. 

  • Our 4th-8th graders will memorize the same verses - Our hope is that this will help families who have multiple children in 4th-8th grade. By memorizing the same verse each month, siblings can partner together in practicing memory verses at home. 


    • He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


Staff Contacts

  • Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (

    • Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc. 

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (

    • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges