Inside the Pride Middle School News - Volume 48
Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School
Published August 23, 2020
Volume 48
We are two weeks into the school year and still so thankful to be back! Every day continues to be a gift and blessing from God to be on campus with your children. Thank you for giving us the chance to partner with you this year. Keep praying for safety and good health for our students and our teachers. We serve a great God and know He is fully capable of protecting us from COVID-19, the flu, and every other sickness that would love to have a presence on our campus.
Mr. Vinson spoke on being ready to forgive and love your enemies, the character trait of the Elliot House. Using Exodus 34:5-7 as the text, Mr. Vinson showed how God is known for being merciful and gracious, slow to anger and willing to forgive His enemies (us). As image bearers of God, we too have the responsibility to love and forgive our enemies. Check out this video put together by Mr. Higgins regarding this character trait we hope to see in all of our students.
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.
6th - Elizabeth Smith
7th - Emma Kate Scarbrough
8th - Hannah Wilson
Ask your child about this month’s image that is being focused on in our Habitudes leadership/character development classes.
6th - The Iceberg
7th and 8th - Hosts and Guests
Each Monday you will be receiving an email from your child’s FLEX teacher with specific updates for the week and reminders about grade level information. Our hope is that you will develop a strong relationship with your child’s FLEX teacher throughout the middle school years. These teachers are your child’s advocate and are available to support your child and family for all three years of middle school.
Please note the information below regarding potential sick absences for your child this year, and how we plan to handle make-up work for short-term absences.
Who do I contact if my child will be out sick?
Please email Lauren Parrish ( if your child is going to be out sick for the day. Mrs. Parrish will communicate with your child's teachers regarding the absence and make sure they are aware and can plan for any make-up work accordingly.
1-2 Day Absences:
We would like for your child to rest and get better without having to worry about school work. Our teachers will gladly provide make-up for your child when he or she returns, and ample time will be given for your child to make up the work. Please do not email the teacher requesting make-up work. Our teachers have been instructed to be flexible in the area of make-up work, especially for extended absences. Our teachers cannot adequately determine what make-up work to give to your child until they are fully aware of how long your child's absence will last. For absences of 1-2 days related to sickness, make-up work will not be provided until your child returns to the classroom.
Note: Your child is not expected to attend virtual classes during this time of absence.
3+ Day Absences:
For an extended absence case, we want to work together as a team to provide an appropriate return to academic plan for your child regarding make-up work. Please email Mrs. Parrish ( to inform her of your child's extended absence, and she will work directly with your child's teachers to collect all of the needed make-up work for you. Please do not email the teacher requesting make-up work. Mrs. Parrish can handle the collection of all the make-up work for you.
Note: Your child is not expected to attend virtual classes during this time of absence, but may be given the opportunity pending the specifics of the circumstance.
For Pre-Excused absences (family trips, etc.), students may still receive make-up work in advance if the Pre-Absence Form is submitted within two weeks of the planned absence.
Hair Code (Boys) - Remember hair must be cut or styled so that it is no more than halfway over the years, off the collar and out of the eyes.
Sleeveless Polos (Girls) - All collared shirts must also have sleeves.
All spirit wear orders that were placed over the summer have been ordered now. We look forward to receiving the shipment in the next few weeks.
Since a la carte items are not being offered, J&S Catering will be increasing the portion size of the main entree for 6th and 7th grade. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, students will receive two of the choice 1 main entree (pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc). The cost will remain the same, $5.25. Please contact Shere with J&S Catering at with any questions.
Student Schedules - our Drop/Add for Performing Arts is August 31
8th Grade Retreat - share feedback on attending
House Competition - Follow along all year
Staff Contacts
Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (
Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc.
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.), discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges