Inside the Pride Middle School News - Volume 64
Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School
Published December 13, 2020
Volume 64
Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal
What a wonderful semester we have had full of blessings and daily provisions! I’m so thankful when thinking back about how God has continued to guide us and protect us since August. Your children have done such a wonderful job transitioning back to school after such a long lay off last spring, and I could not be more proud of their effort. We are down to only a few short days left until Christmas Break. My hope is that each of you will find great joy in celebrating the birth of our Savior this Christmas season with your family and friends.
We had an awesome Discipleship Day! Praise God we were able to get creative and make this year’s event happen in spite of COVID. NCG did a great job of hosting our group, and we had some unbelievable teaching sessions throughout the day. Days like this are why I am so thankful to be at TCS.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
Ask your child about this month’s image that is being focused on in our Habitudes leadership/character development classes.
6th - Fun House Mirror
Carnivals often have mirrors that distort how we really look. Poor leaders do this, pretending or posing to be better than they really are. Our level of integrity is the true reflection of who we are.
7th and 8th - The Calcutta Paradox
Humility is magnetic in a leader. When we “under-speak” in regard to our value, others are drawn toward us and our influence increases. When we “over-speak,” others are repelled. When it comes to self-description, leaders know people will fill what is lacking and empty what is too full.
Classroom Locations - Students have been assigned to a classroom for the entirety of the week for both their exam review sessions and exam days. Please have your child report to their exam location (sent through email) each day this week.
Monday-Wednesday (School with half-day dismissal)
NOTE: Please arrive at the appropriate time, and do not arrive earlier to avoid traffic issues.
Students with Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11 am
Students without Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11:30 am
Monday - Christmas Breakfast and Exam Review Day
8:00-8:30am - Grade Level Christmas Breakfast
8:30-11:00am - Exam Reviews with a Recess Break
11:00am - Dismissal for students with Pre-K siblings
11:30am - Dismissal for students without Pre-K siblings
Tuesday - Math and Science Exams
8:00-8:45 Optional Study Time (students may choose to arrive late and will not be counted tardy as long as they are in the classroom by 8:40)
Please use the normal dismissal line up until 8am when dropping off
After 8am, please drop your child off at the main doors to the middle school building.
8:45 Math Exam
NOTE: If your child is exempt from their science exam and prefers to arrive only for their math exam, please have them check in at the front office prior to the beginning of the math exam.
9:55 Science Exam
11:00am - Dismissal for students with Pre-K siblings
11:30am - Dismissal for students without Pre-K siblings
Wednesday - History and English Exams
8:00-8:45 Optional Exam Study Time (students may choose to arrive late and will not be counted tardy as long as they are in the classroom by 8:40)
Please use the normal dismissal line up until 8am when dropping off
After 8am, please drop your child off at the main doors to the middle school building.
8:45 History Exam
NOTE: If your child is exempt from their history exam and prefers to arrive only for their English exam, please have them check in at the front office prior to the beginning of the math exam.
9:55 English Exam
NOTE: If your child is exempt from their English exam and would like to leave early, please check them out at the front office.
11:00am - Dismissal for students with Pre-K siblings
11:30am - Dismissal for students without Pre-K siblings
*For students who are unable to be picked up at the half-day dismissal time on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, we will provide free care until 3:30 pm. Normal Extended Day rates will apply after 3:30 pm. STUDENTS WILL NEED TO BRING A LUNCH IF THEY HAVE TO STAY FOR EXTENDED DAY. THERE WILL BE NO HOT LUNCH OPTION.
Pick up spot is in the Middle School Lot located between the MS and HS buildings.
Text your name, student’s name, type of car, and dismissal number to 470-201-5155.
Sick Absences - Be sure to email Adam Vinson (
House Competition - Follow along all year
Staff Contacts
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.), discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges
Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (
Available to assist with disciplinary concerns.