Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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On Your Mark, Set, GO! Catching up with Trinity Alumni Aaron George

On Your Mark, Set, GO! Catching up with Trinity Alumni Aaron George

By Samantha DePriest

“People are just different at Trinity. I would say it was culture shock.” Aaron George joined TCS in the 6th grade and noticed immediately how welcoming, genuine, and kind both students and teachers were to him. Aaron attended Trinity Church with his parents and two sisters for years and his Mom, Mrs. Kendra George, served on staff at TCS Lower School. Aaron shared that he was familiar with the campus and one day he asked his Mom if he could come to school at TCS. He was so excited when she said yes and couldn’t wait for his 1st day at TCS. His sister Sarah George is now on staff as a 1st grade Teacher in our Lower School and sister Hannah George sings on the Praise Team at Trinity Church and serves in the Agape Afterschool program. Trinity truly means family for the George’s.

Aaron enjoyed reading and drawing comics and wasn’t made to feel different, He said he felt loved and cared for from day one at Trinity. In fact, God brought former Trinity Art teacher Mrs. Simonton into his life in High School. At first, he said he was a bit intimidated by the incredible artwork hanging up in her classroom but then learned how nice and encouraging she was. He shares that she became an incredible mentor and that he is a better artist because of her.

During his time at TCS, Aaron was involved in many things from the Arts to Athletics in addition to Academics. Aaron credits Mrs. Kelsi (Adams) Morrison, then High School Drama teacher, for seeing the gifts God had given him and getting him involved in many productions including Mary Poppins, Seussical, Beauty and the Beast, and One Act.  Aaron tried football in Middle School but said it wasn’t for him. However, God had something else in store for Aaron.

Track and Field Coach JP Weaver was forming a new track team and Aaron knew he could run. He shared a funny memory when asked about his running before 8th grade. He didn’t know how fast he was until he was chased by a little Chihuahua in his neighborhood. He begged Coach Weaver to let him run on the new Track & Field Team in the Spring of his 8th grade year. At that time, the team was practicing at Riley Field in Peachtree City while Trinity was preparing to install a new track. Coach Weaver gave him the chance and next thing he knew, he was running on Varsity in his 1st ever Track and Field meet. God had not only given Aaron hands to paint and draw beautiful things but legs that could move faster than anyone else at TCS. He loved the 100 meter and 200 meter races, and when asked, would run the 400 meter as well. Aaron went on to break and set records at our school and in the state. You can find his name listed on the board outside the High School by the Weight Room doors for running the 100m dash in 10.80 seconds. Perhaps we should give him a new nickname “Flash”.

Coach JP Weaver shares, “Aaron George was a part of the inaugural track and field team, eventually leaving his stamp in both school history as a 4 time state champion (100m and 200m), also setting the tone in the GISA ranks as the current 100m state record holder (2017). But this does not define Aaron’s character as it goes way beyond past athletic success.  He’s a true servant leader, an individual full of positive and upbeat energy that has an infectious personality that draws in others.  He’s full of artistic ability currently finishing out his education degree with the goal to be an art teacher possibly one day right back in the hallways at TCS leading our students.”

Aaron's Mom, Mrs. Kendra George, shares "I will ever be thankful to Coach JP Weaver, Coach Rohan, and the track coach team. Brotherhood is seen now in the football team, however, I have had the pleasure of experiencing this during the years my husband Nigel was deployed. JP and his staff gave Aaron good Godly direction and love. Mrs. Simonton helped Aaron to invest and pursue his passion and love for art. I remember him also talking about how Mr. Whittle taught his class that it was important to always demonstrate inclusiveness. And when I was on staff, nothing could top the teacher's aide's prayer time before we class. I would share a prayer request and know that I had a group of women praying for me and my family. TCS has been a solid foundation for my kids and my family.”

“I was very prepared for college because all of my Trinity teachers demanded excellence. I had to study hard, study well, and always be on time to class,” Aaron shares. He smiled when he said, “Trinity teaches us to love everyone like Jesus. The enemy is the devil, not other people. We are taught to include others who are different than you, just like Jesus did.” Aaron shared that he gained so much from his Bible classes at Trinity and still applies what he learned at Trinity to his everyday life..

Aaron is quite humble about his many accomplishments. His character really shines through his words when recalling the moments that defined him and the staff at TCS who helped him along the way . He is so appreciative of Mrs. Kelsi (Adams) Morrison for encouraging him to sing which blessed him with an opportunity for him to sing at Carnegie Hall.  He is grateful to Coach Weaver and Coach Rohan for their support and training that opened a door for him to get a track scholarship at Columbus State University. And he is grateful to Mrs. Amy Simonton for showing him how much fun art can be which has led him to be an Art Education major with dreams of becoming an art teacher one day. His art work will be showcased in an Exhibition in December at the Bo Bartlett Center in Columbus. Aaron also serves as the Layout Editor for the CSU Uproar Magazine. He won the Georgie College Pres Associations Best Entertainment Feature award for his comic “The Ghost of Williams Mill”.  He is a Member of the Collegiate 100. And most recently, his college relay Track & Field team won the PBC 2022 State 4 x 100m relay. This Spring Aaron will be completing his student teaching and hopes to study abroad in Japan next Summer.

When asked what he would share with our Trinity high school students who were getting ready to “run their race”, he laughed and shared these tips:

  1. Ramen will be your life line - don’t get the cup noodles - the square one is the best! And while everyone stays safe with chicken, the beef is the real deal! He suggests familiarizing yourself with the International aisle in the grocery store and look for Shin Bone Broth. It has mushrooms, celery, carrots, and tofu in it for same price, it’s twice as nice!!

  2. To our Trinity students who are in 9/10th grade - definitely take as many notes in class and ask lots of questions. To our Trinity students who are in 11th grade - enjoy every moment. And to the Seniors - you’re almost done - finish strong and get your A.

  3. Most importantly, if you’re going to walk as a Lion representing TCS, be willing to listen/learn/accept everyone. Love everyone like Jesus. Doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from - love everyone equally. That is what family does.

Thank you Aaron for sharing how God is working in your life. We can’t help but smile when learning about your story. This year holds big things for you and we are excited to see what you will do next.