Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Costa Rica GO Week

Costa Rica GO Week

By Samantha DePriest

When we asked our Costa Rica GO Week leadership team about their experience while serving in Central America and if they had a story or two they would like to share, their exact words were, “Which story? There are literally dozens.” Trinity High School Bible teacher and father to four of his own Trinity Lions Chris Paschal, led the trip of 40+ students along with fellow High School Bible teacher and Trinity Dad KC Lorow.

They shared, “Our lives are forever changed because of our GoWeek trip to Costa Rica. How do you describe the indescribable? When God meets a team of 40+ students and leaders that are willing and expecting to be used by Him to serve the poor and most vulnerable in our world they get to experience the indescribable. We went to bless the people of Costa Rica but became the blessed ones. Students worked shoulder to shoulder with locals to build a shelter for their families. We read books to the children, sang of God’s love, learned Spanish while painting, and kicked soccer balls in the slums of San Jose in the name of Jesus. I saw students lead other students into deeper faith. I heard testimonies of new life in Jesus. I witnessed a group of teenagers lost in worship. I’m now sitting with a classroom of students longing to go back, but with a renewed passion to bring the love of Jesus to Sharpsburg, GA. Thank you for supporting Trinity and GoWeek.”

Leaning in and listening to what our students learned from their experiences of serving in Costa Rica illustrates the many reasons for GO Week.

“While working in Costa Rica I saw God move in me and in my friend’s lives…When talking about Jesus to the kids it helped me realize what the word was really saying and how I can apply it to my life.” -Grace Flury

“I definitely felt God working in my life this week. I felt like God was with me wherever I went…I am experiencing God in new ways because we did devos every night but I also did my own every morning and listened to worship music.” -Ally Hamblin

“This trip has been so impactful in my life and has pushed me so  much closer to God. We never know who just needs to be seen and loved.” - Emma Kate Douglas

“God puts us in positions to share His love and what he has to offer and it is our job to take the initiative. It takes courage and boldness to do so, but the sense of fulfillment and excitement at the end of it is like no other. I was really encouraged to see God working in every. single. person. on my trip and I hope that never ends. God majorly worked in my life and I hope and plan to continue to grow this fire for Christ and continue to have an openness of talking about the Gospel to people and especially ones I don't know.” - Kate Sweitzer

“The Costa Rica trip was beyond words amazing!...I finally got the strength to talk to someone about the way I have been feeling toward God and about God…I have decided to take the next step in baptism. The ways I saw God move through this trip was mind blowing.” -Kayden Harrison

“There was not one moment that I didn't feel God by me. He was present the entire trip…I had never talked to these girls but their love for Jesus Christ was so obvious and I wanted to be just like them. Over this trip my relationship with God has grown a tremendous amount. It is unreal to me the joy that I feel now! So thank you for helping me grow my faith and showing me how much love God has for me.” -Anna Johnson

“Everyone on the trip came prepared to see the Lord move among us and among the family so when God moved it was very clear that it was happening.” - Grayson Ingram

“I got to be a part of someone hearing the light of Christ. It was so incredibly beautiful. I got the decision of baptism coming back. I am just speechless. There are no words to describe the love and compassion of others and God.” - Emelia McBurnett

“Seeing people give their lives to Christ was such an amazing thing to experience and just being able to be a part of that was awesome. This week taught me to be bold and step out of my comfort zone, because when you tell others about how God has impacted you it impacts others as well” -Jordyn Rawlings 

“God showed me how fulfilling a life is with him. He showed me a life of helping others and being obedient. During our devotions and worship time I started understanding how much God truly loves me. I've always been told that and said that but I truly understand the extent of it now.”  - Kate Weeks

God taught me these things while in Costa Rica: to be grateful for what I have been blessed with and never take it for granted. That God is present everywhere and is always working things to his glory. True contentment and joy is found in the Lord alone. Purpose is found in showing the love of Christ to others. God uses community to spur spiritual growth. Worship doesn't have to be inside a Church. You can never plan or know exactly how God will use situations or people to impact you.” - Austin Morrow

I now feel that I have the liberty to influence others with my love for Christ, because I too was influenced by those in Costa Rica” - Josh Savoy

“Through one week I got to see hearts change, I grew deeper in my faith, I had the so called "hard talks" with people, I had moments that I was able to not only be bold in my faith, but also see my friends be bold in theirs. That week wasn't just a normal week, it was a week that the Lord showed up and exceeded all expectations. That week I got opportunities to talk with groups of girls about Christ and how powerful his love is. We saw brokenness all around us, yet through all of that God’s love was evident in action and hearts. I got to be surrounded by people that were chasing after what the Lord had for them and it was one of the greatest experiences.” Ava Anthony