Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 100

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published October 3, 2021

Volume 100

Fall Open House and Family Fun Day Volunteer Opportunities

We are excited to share an upcoming event with a few different volunteer opportunities! Later this month, we are hosting a Fall Open House and Family Fun Day the evening of Thursday, October 28th. We need volunteers for donations, prep and to help the night of the event. Please let us know where you can help!

Fall Festival Volunteers - Thurs. Oct 28th

One of the best ways to connect is through serving and we are excited to share an opportunity for families to serve together! We could use both high school students and adults to help monitor the inflatables, keep the lines moving, and help with the carnival games. There are three 1 hour time slots available so that your family may have time to enjoy the activities before or after serving. You will receive your station info at the volunteer check-in table in the games area so be sure to stop by when you arrive. 

Field Volunteer Sign-up

CANDY! CANDY! And More CANDY! - Collecting through Oct. 27th 

We can’t have a Family Fun Day without candy to hand out! We would love to collect bags of candy to give to our little lions and their friends who attend the Family Fun Day with their family. We will be collecting bags of candy through Wednesday, October 27th. Please use the following sign-up to let us know if you can donate some bags of candy for our event. Collection bins will be located in each school office (Early Learning, Lower School, MS and HS).

Candy Donation Sign-up

Candy Bag Packing - Thurs. Oct. 28th

Now that we have our candy, we need help putting it into bags to hand out! Join us Thurs. Oct 28th from 8:30 - 11:30 in room 132 of the PreK/K building to make candy bags to hand out at the Family Fun Day. Feel free to drop in and stay as long as you can Thurs. morning to help. We look forward to seeing you there.
Candy Bag Packing Sign-up


THANK YOU!!! to all the moms that came out to help sort math pages last Friday! It was a great morning getting to know other Trinity parents while helping our K, 1st and 2nd grade teachers! If you missed this volunteer opportunity, don’t worry - we’ll have another one again soon! Many hands make light work!

Box Tops For Education

Our next Box Tops submission deadline is approaching! Check those boxes in your pantry and your collection container (and those of your friends and relatives!) and start sending in your box tops! Don't forget to keep scanning those grocery store receipts too!  

Not sure what products have box tops? Here is a list of participating products:

Did you know you can upload your digital receipts too?