Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 113
Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF
Published January 16, 2022
Volume 113
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped sort math workbook pages Tuesday and set-up for the uniform swap on Thursday! Trinity is incredibly blessed to have such amazing volunteers who are always willing to lend a helping hand!
Volunteer Opportunity: HS Lunch Monitor
Wed. 1/26, 2/23 & 4/13
The PTF is always looking for ways to help build a stronger school community and encourage a culture of serving here at TCS while sharing God’s goodness and grace. We would like to share a unique opportunity to plug in with our High School. Since so many of our HS staff members are also Trinity coaches, they have found it is easiest to hold their staff meetings during lunch breaks since after school they are training our student athletes. Kimmy Jones, our High School Principal, is looking for six volunteers to assist with supervision of the students during their lunch time while the HS meets. What a great way to connect and serve our school!