Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 82
Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF
Published May 2, 2021
Volume 82
Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News
Teacher Appreciation Week Volunteers Needed!
The PTF is excited to host Teacher Appreciation Week May 3rd - 7th for our amazing Trinity teachers and staff! There are special events planned for each day to show our teachers and staff how much we love and appreciate them but we need your help on Thursday and Friday!
Thursday is Teacher Recognition Day - This day is reserved for families to love on their individual teachers. Feel free to send in notes or treats to your student's teachers letting them know how much you appreciate them. (Lower School families will receive a communication from their class room parent with details on how their class is recognizing their teacher(s).)
Friday is the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon - In order for our teachers to enjoy a special lunch and time of fellowship with each other, we need parents to watch classes/lunch periods. (Lower School room parents are coordinating coverage for their classes.)
Below is a sign-up with the lunch periods/classes that need to be covered.
You don't have to have a student in the class/school to volunteer :)
Please let us know if you are able to help!
MIddle School/High School Sign-Up
Thank you for your support of our teachers and staff! It's greatly appreciated!