Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 134

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published July 24, 2022

Volume 135


It’s Almost Time for School! 

…and we’re so excited to start planning events for our teachers, students and families again! 

The PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) strives to make connections with our students, parents, grandparents, staff and community. We love to connect with others who are “Called to Serve” in our school community. Throughout the year, you will see updates, information and volunteer opportunities from us in our PTF section of Inside the Pride (ITP), on the Trinity Family FaceBook page, and through email ( 

We look forward to welcoming you and your families back to school at our Welcome to the ROAR event - look for our PTF table on the football field. We will have information on upcoming events, including Room Parent sign-up (PreK - 3rd) and Grade Parent sign-up (4th & 5th grade).

Volunteer Opportunity

Back to School Bags for All Staff Meeting

Help us welcome our Trinity teachers and staff back to school by filling "Welcome Back" bags that will be given to them at their All Staff Meeting to kick-off the 2022-23 Trinity School Year! We will meet in the Gathering Place Sunday, July 31st at 4:30. 

**Middle School/Beta Club Students are welcome for Community Service Hours**

Volunteer Sign-Up

Boo-Hoo / Yahoo Parent Fellowship

Coming Soon: Information on our Boo-Hoo / Yahoo Parent Fellowship after morning carline on the 1st day of school!

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 131

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published May 29, 2022

Volume 131



Our students are excited to kick off a fun summer but before we go, we want to take one more opportunity to love on our fabulous Trinity Teachers and Staff!

If you would like to bless your student's teacher(s) or any of our specials/support staff, below are links to their preference sheets. Thank you for your generous giving - your support of our teachers and staff is greatly appreciated!

Teacher/Staff Preference Lists:

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 130

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published May 22, 2022

Volume 130



Our students are excited to kick off a fun summer but before we go, we want to take one more opportunity to love on our fabulous Trinity Teachers and Staff!

If you would like to bless your student's teacher(s) or any of our specials/support staff, below are links to their preference sheets. Thank you for your generous giving - your support of our teachers and staff is greatly appreciated!

Teacher/Staff Preference Lists:

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 129

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published May 15, 2022

Volume 129


Volunteer Opportunities


We can’t believe it’s May and this year is coming to an end! We know a lot of families love to bless their teachers and staff with gifts at this time of year. To help with your shopping, below are links to some of their favorite items.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 128

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published May 8, 2022

Volume 128


Volunteer Opportunities

Uniform swap

We are excited to host our last Uniform Swap and Shop of the school year. In preparation, we are in need of some amazing parents to help us sort and set up for the swap. One of the blessings of being a volunteer is that you also get first pick at the uniforms and spirit wear for your kiddos. 

We are looking for parents to meet just outside the Gathering Place (cafeteria) on Thursday, May 12th at 1pm to help sort items. Thank you for your interest and sharing of your time with our school community. We value you and are excited to see you next month!

Uniform Swap Volunteer Sign-up


We can’t believe it’s May and this year is coming to an end! We know a lot of families love to bless their teachers and staff with gifts at this time of year. To help with your shopping, below are links to some of their favorite items.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 127

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published May 1, 2022

Volume 127


Volunteer Opportunities

Uniform swap

We are excited to host our last Uniform Swap and Shop of the school year. In preparation, we are in need of some amazing parents to help us sort and set up for the swap. One of the blessings of being a volunteer is that you also get first pick at the uniforms and spirit wear for your kiddos. 

We are looking for parents to meet just outside the Gathering Place (cafeteria) on Thursday, May 12th at 1pm to help sort items. Thank you for your interest and sharing of your time with our school community. We value you and are excited to see you next month!

Uniform Swap Volunteer Sign-up

Help Needed - Teacher Appreciation Lunch Volunteers 

The Teachers and staff will be enjoying a Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on Friday, May 6th. Parents are needed to monitor Middle School classes/lunch for approximately an hour while the teachers enjoy their lunch. Please let us know if you're available to help with any of these classes! 

(You don't have to have a student in the class/grade to volunteer!)

Lunch Monitor Sign-up


We can’t believe it’s May and this year is coming to an end! We know a lot of families love to Bless their teachers and staff with gifts at this time of year. To help with your shopping, below are links to some of their favorite items.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 125

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published April 17, 2022

Volume 125


Volunteer Opportunity

ITBS Snacks Parent Volunteers

As you know, ITBS testing is just around the corner. As we have in years past, we would like to organize treats for our Lower and Upper Elementary School students (Kindergarten through 5th grade) to be handed out during testing on Monday, May 2nd - Friday, May 6th. We need volunteers to help us place labels with encouragement on prepackaged treats and separate them into bags for each class the morning of Wednesday, April 27th, right after drop off...we would love to have you join us!

We will also be handwriting Post - It notes with scriptures and encouragement to place on the MS lockers so that each student will receive messages on testing days. 

Volunteer Sign-Up

Donation Sign-Up

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 120

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published March 13, 2022

Volume 120


Volunteer Opportunity -

Wed. Mar 9th & Thurs. Mar 10th

We are so excited about the upcoming Grandparents and Special Friends Day on Thursday, March 10th. In preparation for the big event, we could use some extra hands on Wednesday, March 9th, from 8am - 9:45am in the Early Learning Building in room 127 upstairs by the old school store to help prepare flowers. We also are looking for parent volunteers to joyfully assist our BETA club students with guiding our Grands & Special Friends around school as they make their way to and from the classrooms and distribute refreshments on Thursday, March 10th. We look forward to serving with each of you next week!

Volunteer Sign-up

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 119

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published March 6, 2022

Volume 119


Volunteer Opportunity -

Wed. Mar 9th & Thurs. Mar 10th

We are so excited about the upcoming Grandparents and Special Friends Day on Thursday, March 10th. In preparation for the big event, we could use some extra hands on Wednesday, March 9th, from 8am - 9:45am in the Early Learning Building in room 127 upstairs by the old school store to help prepare flowers. We also are looking for parent volunteers to joyfully assist our BETA club students with guiding our Grands & Special Friends around school as they make their way to and from the classrooms and distribute refreshments on Thursday, March 10th. We look forward to serving with each of you next week!

Volunteer Sign-up

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 117

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published February 20, 2022

Volume 117


Volunteer Opportunities

HS Lunch Monitor

Wed. 2/23 & 4/13

We still have several opportunities for volunteers for the Feb. 23rd staff meeting. Please note - you do NOT have to be a high school parent to volunteer for this. This is open to all Trinity parents!

High School Lunch Monitor Sign-up

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 116

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published February 6, 2022

Volume 116


Stock the Room Week!

Don’t forget to send in your supplies for your lower school/UES and Specials Teachers this week! Lower school parents should have received an email from your room parent with your teacher’s list of items to resupply her classroom along with a list of items the specials teachers have requested. Please don’t forget to label your items with the teacher’s name when you send them to school this week.

Thank you for supporting our teachers!

Volunteer Opportunities

Math Book Page Sorting - Mon. Feb 7th

We have our last page sorting volunteer opportunity of the year Monday, February 7th from 8:30 am - 2:00 pm. Parents are needed to sort pages from math workbooks by student. We will be sorting pages in room 129 by the church office. If you have some free time we'd love to have your help! We have 2-hour slots below, but feel free to drop in at any time for as long as you can stay! This is a great way to get to know other Trinity parents and catch up with friends!

Page Sorting Sign-Up

HS Lunch Monitor

Wed. 2/23 & 4/13

Thank you to all the parents that helped monitor our HS lunchroom last Wednesday while our HS teachers had their staff meeting - your help was greatly appreciated! We still have several opportunities for volunteers for the Feb. 23rd staff meeting. Please note - you do NOT have to be a high school parent to volunteer for this. This is open to all Trinity parents!

High School Lunch Monitor Sign-up

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 115

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published January 30, 2022

Volume 115


Volunteer Opportunities

Math Book Page Sorting - Mon. Feb 7th

We have our last page sorting volunteer opportunity of the year Monday, February 7th from 8:30 am - 2:00 pm. Parents are needed to sort pages from math workbooks by student. We will be sorting pages in room 129 by the church office. If you have some free time we'd love to have your help! We have 2-hour slots below, but feel free to drop in at any time for as long as you can stay! This is a great way to get to know other Trinity parents and catch up with friends!

Page Sorting Sign-Up

HS Lunch Monitor

Wed. 2/23 & 4/13

Thank you to all the parents that helped monitor our HS lunchroom last Wednesday while our HS teachers had their staff meeting - your help was greatly appreciated! We still have several opportunities for volunteers for the Feb. 23rd staff meeting. Please note - you do NOT have to be a high school parent to volunteer for this. This is open to all Trinity parents!

High School Lunch Monitor Sign-up

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 114

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published January 23, 2022

Volume 114


Thank you to all the volunteers who helped sort math workbook pages Tuesday and set-up for the uniform swap on Thursday! Trinity is incredibly blessed to have such amazing volunteers who are always willing to lend a helping hand!

Volunteer Opportunity: HS Lunch Monitor

Wed. 1/26, 2/23 & 4/13

The PTF is always looking for ways to help build a stronger school community and encourage a culture of serving here at TCS while sharing God’s goodness and grace. We would like to share a unique opportunity to plug in with our High School. Since so many of our HS staff members are also Trinity coaches, they have found it is easiest to hold their staff meetings during lunch breaks since after school they are training our student athletes. Kimmy Jones, our High School Principal, is looking for six volunteers to assist with supervision of the students during their lunch time while the HS meets. What a great way to connect and serve our school!  

High School Lunch Monitor Sign-up

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 113

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published January 16, 2022

Volume 113


Thank you to all the volunteers who helped sort math workbook pages Tuesday and set-up for the uniform swap on Thursday! Trinity is incredibly blessed to have such amazing volunteers who are always willing to lend a helping hand!

Volunteer Opportunity: HS Lunch Monitor

Wed. 1/26, 2/23 & 4/13

The PTF is always looking for ways to help build a stronger school community and encourage a culture of serving here at TCS while sharing God’s goodness and grace. We would like to share a unique opportunity to plug in with our High School. Since so many of our HS staff members are also Trinity coaches, they have found it is easiest to hold their staff meetings during lunch breaks since after school they are training our student athletes. Kimmy Jones, our High School Principal, is looking for six volunteers to assist with supervision of the students during their lunch time while the HS meets. What a great way to connect and serve our school!  

High School Lunch Monitor Sign-up

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 112

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published January 9, 2022

Volume 112


Volunteer Opportunities for the New Year!

Uniform Swap

Who:  All TCS Families

When:  Friday, January 14th 8:30am – 2:00pm

Where:  Atrium Outside Cafeteria


Each year families in our school community donate gently used uniforms and spirit wear to share with others.  You do not have to give to receive, and everything is free.  We hope you stop by and take a look!


***Please be sure all donated items are washed prior to dropping off at TCS.  Bags of items should be labeled as “boys” or “girls” and include a size range.  Thank you for your help!*** 

“... Freely you have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8

We are excited to host our first Uniform Swap and Shop of the new year. In preparation, we are in need of some amazing parents to help us sort and set up for the swap. One of the blessings of being a volunteer is that you also get first pick at the uniforms and spirit wear for your kiddos.

 We are looking for parents to meet in the Atrium outside the Gathering Place (cafeteria) on Thursday, January 13th at 1pm. Thank you for your interest and sharing of your time with our school community. We value you and are excited to see you next month!

Uniform Swap and Shop Sign-Up

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 111

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published January 2, 2022

Volume 111


Volunteer Opportunities for the New Year!

Book Sorting

We have another volunteer opportunity to help our K, 1st and 2nd grade teachers with their workbooks. Parents are needed to sort pages from math workbooks by student. We will be sorting pages Thursday, Jan. 6th from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm in room 129 by the church office. If you have some free time we'd love to have your help! We have 2-hour slots below, but feel free to drop in at any time for as long as you can stay! This is a great way to get to know other Trinity parents and catch up with friends!

Book Sorting Sign-Up

Uniform Swap

We are excited to host our first Uniform Swap and Shop of the new year. In preparation, we are in need of some amazing parents to help us sort and set up for the swap. One of the blessings of being a volunteer is that you also get first pick at the uniforms and spirit wear for your kiddos.

 We are looking for parents to meet in the Atrium outside the Gathering Place (cafeteria) on Thursday, January 13th at 1pm. Thank you for your interest and sharing of your time with our school community. We value you and are excited to see you next month!

Uniform Swap and Shop Sign-Up

Make sure to check your AmazonSmile donation on your mobile device before you begin your holiday shopping! 

AmazonSmile rewards charities and schools with cash back for your shopping but you have to renew your Smile account on your mobile device twice a year. To check that you’re still donating to your selected charity, go to Settings in your Amazon app and click on AmazonSmile. Your renewal date will be displayed.

Trinity received $410 last quarter from your shopping! Thank you for your support and Happy Shopping!

Remember:  AmazonSmile is not available on the iPad/Tablet so make sure to go to in your web browser on these devices to order!

Not signed up for AmazonSmile? Click here for more information on linking your Amazon account to a charity. (We’d love for Trinity to be your selected charity!)

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 110

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published December 12, 2021

Volume 110


Teacher and Staff Preference Sheets

While we hope that you will choose to bless our teachers and staff through the Christmas Blessing fund this year, we know that some families like to give personal gifts to their teachers during the holiday season. To help you with your shopping, below are links to some of your teacher and staff’s favorite things.

Lower School Teachers

UES Teachers

Middle School Teachers

High School Teachers

Specials Teachers/Admin/Support Staff

Make sure to check your AmazonSmile donation on your mobile device before you begin your holiday shopping! 

AmazonSmile rewards charities and schools with cash back for your shopping but you have to renew your Smile account on your mobile device twice a year. To check that you’re still donating to your selected charity, go to Settings in your Amazon app and click on AmazonSmile. Your renewal date will be displayed.

Trinity received $410 last quarter from your shopping! Thank you for your support and Happy Shopping!

Remember:  AmazonSmile is not available on the iPad/Tablet so make sure to go to in your web browser on these devices to order!

Not signed up for AmazonSmile? Click here for more information on linking your Amazon account to a charity. (We’d love for Trinity to be your selected charity!)

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 109

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published December 5, 2021

Volume 109


Teacher and Staff Preference Sheets

While we hope that you will choose to bless our teachers and staff through the Christmas Blessing fund this year, we know that some families like to give personal gifts to their teachers during the holiday season. To help you with your shopping, below are links to some of your teacher and staff’s favorite things.

Lower School Teachers

UES Teachers

Middle School Teachers

High School Teachers

Specials Teachers/Admin/Support Staff

Make sure to check your AmazonSmile donation on your mobile device before you begin your holiday shopping! 

AmazonSmile rewards charities and schools with cash back for your shopping but you have to renew your Smile account on your mobile device twice a year. To check that you’re still donating to your selected charity, go to Settings in your Amazon app and click on AmazonSmile. Your renewal date will be displayed.

Trinity received $410 last quarter from your shopping! Thank you for your support and Happy Shopping!

Remember:  AmazonSmile is not available on the iPad/Tablet so make sure to go to in your web browser on these devices to order!

Not signed up for AmazonSmile? Click here for more information on linking your Amazon account to a charity. (We’d love for Trinity to be your selected charity!)

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 108

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published November 28, 2021

Volume 108


Teacher and Staff Preference Sheets

While we hope that you will choose to bless our teachers and staff through the Christmas Blessing fund this year, we know that some families like to give personal gifts to their teachers during the holiday season. To help you with your shopping, below are links to some of your teacher and staff’s favorite things.

Lower School Teachers

UES Teachers

Middle School Teachers

High School Teachers

Specials Teachers/Admin/Support Staff

Make sure to check your AmazonSmile donation on your mobile device before you begin your holiday shopping! 

AmazonSmile rewards charities and schools with cash back for your shopping but you have to renew your Smile account on your mobile device twice a year. To check that you’re still donating to your selected charity, go to Settings in your Amazon app and click on AmazonSmile. Your renewal date will be displayed.

Trinity received $410 last quarter from your shopping! Thank you for your support and Happy Shopping!

Remember:  AmazonSmile is not available on the iPad/Tablet so make sure to go to in your web browser on these devices to order!

Not signed up for AmazonSmile? Click here for more information on linking your Amazon account to a charity. (We’d love for Trinity to be your selected charity!)

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 107

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published November 21, 2021

Volume 107


Teacher and Staff Preference Sheets

While we hope that you will choose to bless our teachers and staff through the Christmas Blessing fund this year, we know that some families like to give personal gifts to their teachers during the holiday season. To help you with your shopping, below are links to some of your teacher and staff’s favorite things.

Lower School Teachers

UES Teachers

Middle School Teachers

High School Teachers

Specials Teachers/Admin/Support Staff

Make sure to check your AmazonSmile donation on your mobile device before you begin your holiday shopping! 

AmazonSmile rewards charities and schools with cash back for your shopping but you have to renew your Smile account on your mobile device twice a year. To check that you’re still donating to your selected charity, go to Settings in your Amazon app and click on AmazonSmile. Your renewal date will be displayed.

Trinity received $410 last quarter from your shopping! Thank you for your support and Happy Shopping!

Remember:  AmazonSmile is not available on the iPad/Tablet so make sure to go to in your web browser on these devices to order!

Not signed up for AmazonSmile? Click here for more information on linking your Amazon account to a charity. (We’d love for Trinity to be your selected charity!)