Athletics News - Inside the Pride - Volume 101

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Athletics

Published October 10, 2021

Volume 101


Lance Duncan - Athletics Director



Middle School Basketball Tryout dates have been set

  • Boys November 1-2 Time to be determined

  • Girls October 21-22 Time to be determined

JV/Varsity Basketball Tryouts 

  • Boys Tryouts October 25 Time to be determined

  • Girls Tryouts October 25  Time to be determined

High School Wrestling meeting

All boys interested in Wrestling Please meet in Mr. Geasley’s Room during lunch on October 15th. Meeting will not take long but please be there and on time. Pass the word to others who might be interested. 

Please follow us for more information about our programs and updates on social media: 

Instagram- @tcslionsathletics  

Twitter- @TCSAthletics