Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Athletics
Published May 29, 2022
Volume 131
Lance Duncan - Athletics Director
Mike Townson holds a Master's in Education and will be joining the Trinity Christian School teaching staff as well as the the Athletic Staff. Coach Townson will serve as the Head Boys’ Soccer Coach, Asst. Flag Football Coach, & Director of Soccer Operations.
Coach Townson will be teaching in our History Department. He has been in education for 20 years, 15 of those he has served as a Head Soccer Coach. Coach Townson has over 150 wins; he has coached 15 all-state players and 3 Southeast All-American Players. He is on the Boys’ Executive Soccer Committee for Men’s Soccer and Flag Football for the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association. He is also the Asst. U.S. Director for Southeast All-American Sports. Coach Townson is married to fellow educator, Dr. Emily Townson. They have 2 children AJ and Tyler.
WHEN: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 7:30am-8:30am
BEGINS: June 6, 2022 - July 29, 2022
SPORTS: ALL Female sports teams and athletes are welcome (Middle School and High School)
MEETING LOCATION: Weight Room beginning on June 6th
LEAD BY: Coach Freund along with all Varsity Head Coaches
Sessions will be weekly (come when you can, miss if you need to).
We will not have training the week of July 4th.
* Sessions will be weekly (come when you can, miss if you need to) except for the week of July 4th, session will be ending July 29th
Varsity Softball Tryouts and Summer Schedule:
July 11-13: Jr Lions Softball Camp
July 18-19: Voluntary Workouts 9am-11am
July 20-21: Varsity Tryouts 9am-11:30am
July 25-28: Voluntary Practice 9am-11:30am
August 1-4: First Official Start of Practice 4pm-6:30pm
Middle School Softball Tryouts
July 20-21: Tryouts 4:00pm-6:00pm
More Information to come regarding summer workout
Open Gym
Dates: May 11 and May 13
Times: 3:45pm - 5:15pm
HS Volleyball Tryouts
Date: June 6, June 7, and June 9
Time: 9:00am - 11:00am
Dates: August 3 and August 4
Times: 10:00am - 11:30am
athletics website
Check out the Athletics Website
Academic Attendance Policy
Just as a reminder: A student must attend at least half of their classes on game day in order to participate. Of course if a student is at an excused function(s) (Field trip, Dr Apt, college visit, or etc.) or arrangements have been made in the athletic office this policy may be waived.
Please follow us for more information about our programs and updates on social media:
Instagram - @tcslionsathletics
Twitter - @TCSAthletics