Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Athletics
Published July 17, 2022
Volume 134
Lance Duncan - Athletics Director
Cross Country Information
Any student interested in running MS or Varsity/JV Cross Country can contact Coach Tipton at Additionally, optional summer practices begin on Monday, July 18th from 8:15am-9:30am. Practices will continue every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and will continue through the first day of school. GO LIONS!
TCS Athletics Teams up with NIKE/JORDAN to be an elite branding school in 2022!
TCS Athletics was invited by NIKE to be part of its Elite High school partnership branding program. Due to TCS’s recent dominate performance and state championship in football, along with the winning percentage of all the TCS sports team, TCS was selected to be 1 of 7 current schools who can and will wear the elite Jordan logo as part of its uniforms. TCS is excited about the opportunity to be one of the elite branded athletic departments in the state of Georgia and the nation. This partnership will undoubtably set TCS Athletics apart in the coming years and bring notoriety to its’ programs.
Updated Times:
Date: August 3 and August 4
Times: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
WHEN: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 7:30 am - 8:30 am
BEGINS: July 11th, 2022 - July 29, 2022
SPORTS: ALL Female sports teams and athletes are welcome (Middle School and High School)
LEAD BY: Coach Freund along with all Varsity Head Coaches
* Sessions will be weekly (come when you can, miss if you need to).
Athletic Forms
As a reminder, all athletic forms must be turned into the Athletic Office prior to the first day of practice in order for an athlete to participate. You are welcome to drop forms off at the front desk or email them to
Athletic Forms: LINK
In addition to the forms, you will need to complete the online Sudden Cardiac Arrest Presentation that must be reviewed and signed off by the athlete and a parent. You are welcome to review the presentation together and type in both (all) names together at the end of the google form. The link is below.
sports summer camps website
Check out our sports summer camps website to sign up for multiple camps this summer. Link is below.
Sports Summer Camps Link:
Varsity Softball Tryouts and Summer Schedule:
July 18-19: Voluntary Workouts 9am-11am
July 20-21: Varsity Tryouts 9am-11:30am
July 25-28: Voluntary Practice 9am-11:30am
August 1-4: First Official Start of Practice 4pm-6:30pm
Middle School Softball Tryouts
July 20-21: Tryouts 4:00pm-6:00pm
More Information to come regarding summer workout
WHEN: August 13th, 9am-12pm
WHERE: TCS Stadium
COST: $50 (includes a Soccer Ball)
Registration closes on August 1st!
First 50 to sign up & pay will be accepted!
Registration: LINK
athletics website
Check out the Athletics Website
Please follow us for more information about our programs and updates on social media:
Instagram - @tcslionsathletics
Twitter - @TCSAthletics