Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Athletics
Published July 9, 2023
Volume 177
Lance Duncan - Athletics Director
Please make sure you get your physicals on file in the office before Aug 1st so you can participate in your sport.
The Lions Club
The Lions Club would love for your family to be a Lions Club Member and support our athletic programs at TCS. The Lions Club is our one and only Booster Club that supports all of our sports programs at TCS. We raise money through concessions, business sponsorships, family memberships, spirit wear, and our champions dinner in the spring. With these funds, we are able to fulfill requests submitted to us by your kid's coaches. These requests can be small items to large items that will be used for many years. Our Lions Club has grown a lot over the past couple of years and we can’t wait to see it continue to grow and gain support from all of our athletic families.
If you are interested in a Business Sponsorship please email Avery at
Athletic Academic Policy and School Attendance
A student must attend at least half of their academic day in order to be eligible to participate in an after school game. If a student has an excused absence that is accompanied by a doctor’s excuse or a pre-arranged, approved absence then this policy may be waived but this can only be approved by the Athletic Director and or the Principals of the student’s building.
athletics website
Check out the Athletics Website
Please follow us for more information about our programs and updates on social media:
Instagram - @tcslionsathletics
Twitter - @TCSAthletics