Athletics News - Inside the Pride - Volume 93

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Athletics

Published August 15, 2021

Volume 93


Lance Duncan - Athletics Director




High school girls interested in playing flag football will have a meeting on Wednesday, August 18th at 12:10pm in room 506. Students must attend this meeting if they want to try out for the team.

Wrestling Interest Form 

High School Students- Please complete the form below if you would be interested in competing on a High School Wrestling Team during the winter season.  

 Wrestling Interest Form:

Class Attendance 

Parents and athletes with school back in full swing and fall sport’s games underway, please be reminded that you MUST attend at least half of the school day in order to participate in that evening's games. If you are not able to attend school you will not be able to participate until you are able to complete this requirement.