Safety and Security Is Made Possible Through TCS

Many things factor into the powerful way the Annual Fund provides resources for your students to experience a brighter future. But few would be more vital than how the Annual Fund is on the frontline in providing a safe and secure campus for your child and grandchild.

YOUR generosity has provided the latest in campus safety and security to every corner of TCS. Here are just a few of the safety and security improvements YOU have made possible.

Building Access Security: The Annual Fund purchased a complete modernization of our building access system. We moved from an antiquated key card system to an advanced system that makes hacking and unauthorized entrance to buildings all but impossible. In addition, the new system gives our security team the full ability to instantly limit access to any building.

Surveillance Cameras: Because of your support the Annual Fund purchased the necessary equipment and components to place all 235 high-resolution cameras on large monitors in the security office. This upgrade made it possible for our security staff to quickly scan the campus and zoom into any potential threats or points of concern which dramatically decreases the time of response by our security team.

Window and Door Security Film: Your generous giving purchased the securing of all our accessible windows and doors with a security film that is shatter resistant which dramatically extends the time in gaining unwanted access.

Security Personnel: Your gifts to the Annual Fund have purchased personal protective vests, the latest in encrypted two way radios, new security vehicle, and other security features for our security officers.

Together we will continue to provide solutions our security team feels are needed in protecting our students, faculty, and campus. Your gifts to the TCS Annual Fund help us stand strong against those who would want to violate our campus and touch the most valuable treasure in our community... your student! YOU are making our campus safe and secure!