State Taxes Redirected to Open Doors for Deserving TCS Families

Georgia residents and businesses are allowed to direct a portion of their state taxes to Trinity Christian through the Greater Opportunities for Access to Learning (GOAL). By contributing to GOAL for a tax credit, you enable TCS to increase the amount of tuition assistance that can be offered to new students and preserve more of our existing tuition assistance to help families already enrolled The tax credit can then reduce your tax liability to the state of Georgia the following tax year. Trinity receives contributions from the state (you must designate Trinity as the recipient school) and this funding goes to support much needed financial aid for our students.

Give a student a life-changing education: When you redirect your state tax dollars through GA GOAL to Trinity Christian School, you're providing well-deserving students the opportunity to experience a life-changing educational experience. Not only that, but you're also ensuring that students receive an extraordinary Christian education, fostering growth in every facet of their life.

Zero Cost to You: You read that right! This program doesn't require additional expenses on your part. It's a smart financial move that allows you to allocate a portion of your existing state taxes to support Christian education.

Make the Difference: We believe that every student who desires and deserves to be at TCS should be here. Especially now, with the economic and public educational pillars being shaken, we are striving to assist our school families in every possible way.

"As a single parent, I often worried about being able to afford to continue to send (my student) to Trinity. I had cut costs as much as I could and worked two, sometimes three jobs to help make ends meet. I was then told about the GOAL Scholarship... I would not be able to afford to continue sending her to Trinity if it weren't for the funds received from this scholarship. It has greatly alleviated a huge burden and I no longer have to work multiple jobs in order to keep her there, which gives me more time to spend with my daughter."

- TCS Parent