Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published October 24, 2021
Volume 103
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Carolina sound
We are excited to share that Carolina Sound is coming to TCS on Tuesday, November 2. Carolina Sound is a vocal performance group that is now in its third year at the University of Mount Olive in North Carolina. The 14-member acapella group performs at events and venues from the East to the West Coast. They have both a Christian and a secular set. Please see the schedule below that we will follow so that students can attend the assembly performance.
What’s Up In The Class?
Each week we will begin sharing a section entitled “What’s up in class?” Here is our first posting:
Family and Consumer Science students have been focusing on hand sewing in September and October. The final project for this unit was to make decorative burp cloths to be donated to the Coweta Pregnancy Crisis Center. Needless to say, we are very proud of these students who have not only learned a valuable “life skill” but have also lived out the important Biblical value of making service to others a priority.
Random UDS
As per TCS policy, we will continue to perform random drug testing on our student population. A third party will be utilized to randomly select students from a roster provided to them by TCS. Parents will be notified if their student is selected prior to conducting the screen. In the event of a non-negative test, students will then be referred for outside testing and verification.
Drug Testing Policy (as indicated in the TCS Handbook)
TCS reserves the right to conduct random drug testing for 6th-12th-grade students or drug testing when there is a suspicion of drug use at the sole discretion of the administration. The intent of this policy is threefold:
To provide a safe, respectful environment for all students.
To be a deterrent for those who may be tempted to follow the crowd and try illegal substances. Research has shown that random drug testing does provide a disincentive to do drugs, and it also gives the student another legitimate reason not to participate when facing peer pressure.
To provide redemptive accountability for those who have succumbed. It is redemptive in that, once drug use is exposed, the student and his/her family can face the situation and get help to restore the student to his family and a healthy lifestyle that honors the Lord.
Students who have positive results will be subject to our discipline policies, but it is also our hope that by making the problem known, parents will be assisted in getting the student the help he/she needs. Students who refuse to submit to a drug test may be expelled.
Message about Cap and Gown pictures
We are excited to serve your Class of 2022 Seniors! We have Trinity Christian set up and ready to go online.
Graduation Cap & Gown Package Ordering Online Information
Go to
Choose Trinity Christian
Click on Cap & Gown Packages
Select Package A, B, or C and check out
Accessing Transcripts
Trinity Christian School has partnered with Parchment, a leader in eTranscript exchange, to send high school transcripts electronically, securely and confidentially, to colleges and universities of your choice. The service is available online, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Once registered, you can begin immediately requesting transcripts be sent. This will replace the former link/google form. All requests will need to be made through Parchment.
Looking ahead to plan and save the dates
First Semester:
Thanksgiving Break 11/22-11/26
Mid-Course Assessment (MCAs) Week December 13-16
In years past we have used the last week of the term as a time for students to complete a cumulative exam for each of their core subject areas. Our response to COVID and academics has allowed for a positive take away of implementing alternate forms of assessment that allow our students to really show their mastery of content in an applicable way. The implementation of the MCAs will be held for in each subject matter:
Math cumulative test
Bible, Science, History and elective courses project based assessment ie lab/activity/presentation/project/research
Literature Reading comprehension and Writing Assessment
Spanish auditory and verbal assessment
In order to maximize the time that is allocated for the half day schedule during the Week of December 13-16 here is what the schedule will look like for the MCAs:
*Regularly Scheduled classes that meet on a typical Monday/Tuesday/Thursday
Periods 1 thru 4 will meet on Monday 12/13
Periods 5 thru 7 will meet on Tuesday 12/14
Christmas Break 12/17- 1/3
Second Semester begins on Tuesday 1/4
What about GO Week?
After much consideration and numerous conversations, we have decided that it was better to air on the safe side of things and delay any potential trip opportunities to a later date. There are just so many factors to consider and other areas of the world and United States are not operating as we are in our community. Many organizations have not opened up to allowing groups to work alongside of them at this time. This year GO Week will be spread out over a month and will be done by each grade level/section of Bible classes. Mr. Whittle will be providing us with all of the details as we get closer to the first of the year.
Second Semester:
4/14 Prom - High School ½ day
5/16 Senior Walk
5/17 HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field
5/18 Graduation Practice and Luncheon
5/19 Graduation - in the stadium/field
We dedicated last week’s chapel to National Teen Driver Safety Awareness. What a powerful moment as 500 riveted teen Lion listeners sat spellbound hearing the teaching of JP Weaver and the testimony of Natalie Bacho, founder of Abby’s Angels. She was able to put a face to the statistics. Abby was Natalie’s beautiful, vivacious, creative, and dynamic daughter who was killed by a distracted teen driver and taken off life support on Christmas Day 2012. Abby would have graduated in the Spring of 2021. Her daughter was exactly like your sons and daughters.
It is sobering to realize that our precious teenagers are not exempt from the national statistics. Our students likely are distracted drivers at the same rate as the rest of the nation. Please, parents set an example for your children. Stop using your phone while driving! Please, parents set clear boundaries and consequences for distracted driving. You will save lives. It might even be the life of your own son or daughter. Thanks JP and Natalie.
Be in prayer for the upcoming series delivered by our Bible Department: “Better Call Paul”. The series will be an exploration of Romans 1-8 and a systematic explanation of God’s plan to save us.
Counseling Department Dates
Upcoming Important Dates:
October 27, 2021: Group Tour at UNG (first 10 students to have parents submit parental permission via email may attend) - $10 charged to FACTS account
Columbia International University: Nov 3rd lunch visit from an admission recruiter
November 3rd, 2021 6-8pm: Newnan PROBE College Fair - Football Game Themes
11/5 Black Out (Senior Night)