Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published December 5, 2021
Volume 109
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Praise the LORD for a glorious week of His continued favor on our high school. Our student worship team blessed us last week with a powerful rendition of “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” that was blended with readings from Hannah Heilman out of Isa.9 and Lk.2.
After we were all worshiped-up we sat down and heard seasoned college advice from 3 Southeastern University students (2 former alumni Olivia Grimes & Brooklyn Anthony). Our college-ready questions were facilitated by Brian Fourman, the high school’s 9th grade academic counselor. He did a fabulous job guiding the discussion. Thanks to everyone who made the day special.
Christmas Blessing Fund
Don’t forget you have an opportunity to bless our faculty and staff this Christmas season through the Christmas Blessing Fund.
Contribute Online: The following link will take you to a secure portal where electronic contributions can be made through December 15th.
Contribute in person: Drop off cash or check in an envelope labeled Christmas Fund in any of the wrapped gift bins in the main office and High School office. Please make checks out to “Trinity Christian School” with “Christmas Blessing Fund” in the memo line.
The deadline to contribute to the Christmas Fund is Friday, December 15th.
Approved Devices
Reminder! The only devices permitted on campus are school issued Chromebooks. Students are not permitted to bring their personal devices to school. Please complete an IT request form (linked here: ) for any non-school issued devices to be approved for campus use. NOTE: All devices must be approved or the students will have the non-approved device taken up for the day and they will be issued a device to use temporarily.
Celebrated the Seniors
We celebrated our Seniors this past week with a morning fellowship. We served muffins and hot cocoa and played some trivia games where prizes were given out. Many of them even brought in an ornament that reflected them to put on our tree in the lobby.
Christmas Acts of Kindness
Sold Candygrams
This past week many students purchased candy grams for their friends or special someone. Mrs. Bragg, Mr. Bouma and Mr. Weaver enjoyed surprising the students in their classrooms.
Hot Cocoa for Sale
Student Council will be selling Hot Cocoa during lunch on the days of Dec. 6th -8th.
Students will be able to buy two cups for $1 so they can share one with a friend.
High School Christmas Movie Night
Thursday, December 16th at 7pm
The top selection for movie night voted by Student Council is Elf.
Christmas Break Countdown Dress-Up Days
As you can see above, students are having fun dressing up for Christmas. Below are the themes for next week.
Please note, if you are not dressing up according to the themes, then you are expected to be in regular attire.
Athletic shorts can be worn but must meet the fingertip rule - There should be no spaghetti straps or tank tops. Any tops that are low cut or have a low v-neck must have a modest camisole underneath so that the neckline is raised and there is not visible cleavage. Leggings may only be worn with a top that meets the length requirement for shorts (Fingertip rule applies) -
Holes/rips/tears in jeans should not be above the knee
Mesh/see-thru tops should not be worn unless there is a full coverage top underneath it.
The fingertip rule for shirts, shorts, and skirts applies to every angle - front, back, and side view
Shirts should touch the top of the pants, shorts, skirt, etc - if you lift your arms and we can see your skin, it is too short
Form-fitted/wetsuit style attire is not permitted
Bralettes do not qualify as a modest camisole underneath *wear with extreme caution
Hats may be worn
General Rule:
If you have concerns about your outfit...just pick out something else to wear!
10th and 11th grade Bible classes experienced a special time of reading the Christmas story from Luke 2 to kick off Advent season.
Holiday Info for Student’s
Learner’s Permit/Driver’s License
If your student has a DDS appointment scheduled during the Christmas break for either their Learner’s Permit or their Driver’s License, please email no later than 12/13/21 so she can prepare the paperwork for your student to take home before the break since the school will be closed and the DDS will not accept the information via email.
GRADUATION CAP AND GOWN PACKAGE - ORDER BEFORE 12/17 for delivery to the high school
Go to
Choose Trinity Christian
Click on Cap & Gown Packages
Select Package A, B, or C and check out
Counseling Department Dates
PSAT Score Information:
Information about accessing scores can be found here:
PSAT/NMSQT (10th and 11th grade) scores will be available to students December 6–7. The exact date depends on where the student is accessing their score from. View the schedule for releasing scores to students.
PSAT 8/9 (8th and 9th grade) scores will be available to students beginning December 6. Schools that returned materials on or after November 3 should expect scores to be available on a weekly basis after the initial release.
Students 13 years old and older who provided their email address on their PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 8/9 answer sheets will receive an email reminder to view their October PSAT/NMSQT and September–October PSAT 8/9 scores online.
Ministry Opportunities
It is that time of year again when we promote a cereal drive to support one of Coweta County’s signature ministries to our local schools. BackPack Buddies supplies a critical need to many families who live on the margins of poverty. Our goal this year is to collect over 800 large boxes of cereal to donate to this cause. If every high school student donated two boxes between Monday 11/15 and Friday 12/10, we would substantially assist during the very difficult holiday weeks when the schools are not open. If your student has any questions then they can connect with any HS Bible teacher for clarification. Thanks in advance for your support.
Another great ministry opportunity through Friday 12/10 is to support the Coweta Community Food Pantry. We have been asked to collect canned food items and non-perishable food items to help stock their shelves. “Lion nation” is thrilled to participate in this effort. We would like every HS student to bring in various canned food items through the Bible department. Keep in mind that a wide range of healthy canned foods is helpful for those struggling to stay afloat on the margins of food scarcity. Also, please do not donate any damaged or dented cans. Thanks in advance for your support in this worthy and God-honoring cause.
Looking ahead to plan and save the dates
First Semester:
Mid-Course Assessment (MCAs) Week December 13-16
In years past we have used the last week of the term as a time for students to complete a cumulative exam for each of their core subject areas. Our response to COVID and academics has allowed for a positive take away of implementing alternate forms of assessment that allow our students to really show their mastery of content in an applicable way. The implementation of the MCAs will be held for in each subject matter:
Math cumulative test
Bible, Science, History and elective courses project based assessment ie lab/activity/presentation/project/research
Literature Reading comprehension and Writing Assessment
Spanish auditory and verbal assessment
In order to maximize the time that is allocated for the half day schedule during the Week of December 13-16 here is what the schedule will look like for the MCAs:
*Regularly Scheduled classes that meet on a typical Monday/Tuesday/Thursday
Periods 1 thru 4 will meet on Monday 12/13
Periods 5 thru 7 will meet on Tuesday 12/14
Christmas Break 12/17- 1/3
Second Semester begins on Tuesday 1/4
Second Semester:
4/14 Prom - High School ½ day
5/16 Senior Walk
5/17 HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field
5/18 Graduation Practice and Luncheon
5/19 Graduation - in the stadium/field