Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published April 24, 2022
Volume 126
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Did you know that putting on the armor of God does not mean that we are involved in some kind of direct conflict? In all actuality, it is what we should be equipped with as we start out each day. As Christ followers, our strength comes from the Lord who has already secured our victory. Paul instructs us that there is no need to create our own weapons or craft our own armor. Instead, he implores us to “put on” the armor of God already given to us and “take up” the weapons of faith that have already and eternally defeated our enemy. HE’s got us!
22 Days remaining for the Class of 2022
The High School Leadership Team along with other faculty and staff are sharing Biblical Foundational Truths to our Seniors over the course of the last 22 days of high school. On 4/20 Mr. Shackleford kicked off day 1 with his message about building our lives on scripture even when we face temptations, just as Jesus did. We finished out the week hearing a solid message from Mr. Paschal grounded on the truth of 1 Timothy 6:6 and the word of truth from Mr. Geasley surrounding the importance of forgiveness. Join us as we continue each day for 22 minutes of prayer, worship, and message to our seniors each morning at 7:40am - 8:02am with the final message being delivered at the Graduation Ceremony on 5/19. We are excited to see how the Lord will use this time to encourage and strengthen these young people as they move on to the next part of their journey!
We resumed our “Senior Moment” speeches this week as our 2022 class delivers inspiring legacy messages to the HS population before these seniors depart for God’s next chapter in their lives. This week three of our emerging spiritual leaders, Griffin Cox, Sam Granade, and Connor Boswell wisely collaborated to deliver three interconnected messages imploring the student body. Respectively, they spoke to the unbeliever, the lukewarm believer, and to the all-in believer. A Lion’s Nation thank you to each of you for allowing God to shape you over the years to deliver these truths to all still being shaped.
Be in prayer for our senior speakers next week: Hannah Heilman, Ashlyn Settle, Josh Dallas, and Sarah Nelson.
New Information about connecting with the Counseling Team!
As we grow in numbers, we are still dedicated to meeting the needs of each of our students in a personal and meaningful way. In an effort to ensure that we are providing high quality communication and counseling services, we would like to utilize a different form of communication from now until the end of this school year. We would like for all counseling department inquiries to be sent to This will allow us to collaborate more effectively and ensure that none of our students 'fall through the cracks' as we experience God's blessing of growth in student numbers. Thank you for partnering with us as we journey into God's best for Trinity Christian High School.
CFA Leadership Academy
For the past two years we have had the amazing opportunity to be a part of the Chick-fil-A Leader Academy. This national high school leadership program sponsored by Randy Burgess of the Newnan Dwarf House Chick-fil-A focuses on building student leaders who make an IMPACT THROUGH ACTION. We are so excited to continue this wonderful program for the 2022-2023 school year.
Check out this link to learn more about the program:
The Chick-fil-A Leader Academy is designed to engage, expose, and equip students with tools on their leadership journey. This one year program is an elective course under the direction of CFA and the designed TCS Team Facilitator and is incorporated as a part of the traditional high school class with meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays each week.
TCS students that are in the 10th-12th grade with a 3.0 GPA or higher, having 6 or fewer demerits on the behavior record are eligible to apply to be a part of this program. Up to 30 students will be selected each year to participate in this leadership academy for one school year. Each application will be reviewed by the high school leadership team. Students will gather to learn timeless leadership principles through lessons in the format of Leader Labs. These lessons will be taught in a relevant and engaging way while providing students with the practical tools needed to make a positive impact in their local communities. In addition to learning valuable principles and putting into practice servant leadership, being a part of this academy provides depth to students’ resumes as they move on toward college and career opportunities.
If you are interested in being a part of this program, please take the time to complete the Student Application that is due on or before May 5th by 3:30 pm. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept late applicants. (Students may only participate in the program one time)
Informational Meetings
Advanced Placement classes versus Dual Enrollment Courses
Want to know more information about the benefits of Advanced Placement classes versus Dual Enrollment Courses? Make plans to join us in the High School Auditorium on 4/25 at 6pm for a panel discussion to learn more about AP and DE.
College and Career Day
We are excited to host a College and Career Day 1:00-4:00pm in the High School Auditorium on May 3rd, be sure to check your email/official notes for more information.
What’s Happening in Class:
Upon completion of their reading of The Great Gatsby, the junior English classes paid their respects to the book's main character, Jay Gatsby. Funeral services were held on April 19th. Many students dressed for the occasion and shared their eulogies. Light refreshments were served, and everyone walked away from the event with appropriate closure. Rest in peace, Old Sport.
Dress Down day For Seniors ONLY
On Thursday, April 28th Seniors may wear a t’shirt or sweatshirt containing a logo of their chosen college or career path. They still need to wear TCS approved pants. A group photo will follow after chapel.
Prom was FABULOUS and the students were FANTASTIC!!!! Parents, thank you for your support in helping make sure the forms were turned in on time and the guidelines were met. If you chose to pay through your smart tuition account, then it has now been charged. Please make sure that you have paid it by May 16th. Any accounts that have not paid for Prom by this date, will receive a $25 late fee per ticket.
Lunch Treat
Tuesday, April 26th is National Pretzel Day so Student Council will be selling hot pretzels for $2 during lunch.
End of Year Celebration
A silent disco is an event where people dance to music listened to on wireless headphones. Rather than using a speaker system, music is broadcast via a radio transmitter with the signal being picked up by wireless headphone receivers worn by the participants. Those without the headphones hear no music, giving the effect of a room full of people dancing to nothing.
This is for all 9th -12th graders, but no outside guests.
Friday, May 6th
At HS auditorium
The theme is Neon/Glow in the Dark.
$25 per person
Click here to purchase a ticket.
OR TEXT studentcouncil to 76278
Deadline to buy a ticket is Monday, May 2nd.
All attendees must follow our Dress code Guidelines and Code of Conduct
Students that are not in compliance with these expectations, could risk
not being allowed to enter or stay at this event.
Student Council Presents the First Annual
This Saturday, April 30th
From 10am - 2pm
Order of Events
1st game (10:00-10:30) Freshman vs Sophomore match
2nd game (10:30 - 11:00): Juniors vs Seniors match
3rd game (11:00-11:30) losers from 1st match vs losers from 2nd match
4th game (11:30 -12:00): Winners from 1st game vs Winners from 2nd match
5th game (12:00 -1:00): Overall losers vs Teachers
6th game (1:00-2:00): Winner overall vs Varsity Volleyball team
We would love to have everyone come and support this new FREE event!
Looking ahead into Second Semester
4/25 AP vs DE Panel discussion - 6:30pm High School Auditorium
4/27 Onsite ACT testing (pre-registration required)
4/28 Seniors ONLY may wear T-’shirts supporting their chosen college
5/3 College and Career Day 1:00-4:00pm High School Auditorium
5/6 End of Year Celebration with Silent Disco for 9th -12th grade (Pre- Registration Required)
5/16 Senior Walk 1pm
5/17 Grateful Graduates Reception for all Seniors and Parents/Guardians 6pm (check email/official notes for more details) HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field 7pm
5/18 Graduation Practice and Luncheon
5/19 Graduation - in the stadium/field 7pm Each senior will receive 2 tickets for guests to sit on the field, the stadium will be open for anyone to attend
5/23-5/25 Half day Final Course Assessments for 9th-11th
5/25 Last Day of school!
Academic Schedule for the Last Week of School
Graduation Details
Details and directions for the event:
The graduate and two ticket holders can attend the event on the field. (Tickets will be distributed as a part of the final senior week activities)
Upon entering the stadium, ticketed guests will go to the field seats in the order they arrive.
Seating will be arranged with graduates together in the center and ticketed guests lined up on the sides of the field.
Those who do not have a ticket will sit in the stadium seating.
Entry to the campus will begin at 5:45 pm.
Graduates will meet in the high school multipurpose room area at 6:15 pm to receive specific directions to prepare for the processional. Graduates will enter the stadium with the traditional pomp and circumstance
A few other items:
Please wear shoes that are conducive to walking on turf (flat, wedge, or block heels are approved footwear).
Please do not use silly string or confetti at the Trinity Stadium.
This event will be live-streamed so that other family members, friends, and the community can view the ceremony. A link will be sent before the event.
Thank you for your cooperation in cleaning up your area in the stands/on the field before leaving the stadium. We are really looking forward to this milestone event for our students.
GRADUATES’ ATTIRE - Remember to bring your cap and gown!
No tight, form-fitting dresses which allow for limited movement.
Hemlines and slits should be no shorter than 3 inches above the top of the kneecap.
Strapless dresses are permitted; however, they cannot show ANY cleavage.
No low V-necklines in the front of the dress.
No two-piece dresses
No large cut-outs at mid-section or sides of the dress.
No nude/skin tone underlay creating the illusion of a deep plunging neckline or see-through material. Modesty panels may not be nude in color or transparent in any way.
Please wear appropriate undergarments: bra, slip, shorts, etc.
Shoes that are conducive to walking on turf (flat, wedge, or block heel are approved)
NOTE: White dresses are NOT required
If a student arrives out of dress code, they will be required to keep their graduation gown zipped at all times.
White-collared shirt (no T-shirts, polos, or colored collared shirts)
Tie/Bow Tie of your choice
Dress pants or dark khakis, no shorts or jeans
Dress shoes; no tennis shoes
If a student arrives out of dress code, they will be required to keep their graduation gown zipped at all times.