Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published May 8, 2022
Volume 128
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
As Christians we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus and are called to help each other practically and spiritually. In order to live out this scripture we need to have Awareness and Availability.
Awareness: When we become more aware of others’ difficulties and circumstances, this can result in a greater capacity for compassion, a more caring understanding, and the deeper engagement of empathy no matter who they are.
Availability: Helping people may not be convenient, but a faith community thrives when we make time to be there for those around us.
22 Days remaining for the Class of 2022
Our time together for 22 minutes of prayer, worship, and message of Biblical Truths each morning has been so powerful and encouraging. Seniors, plan to join us in the high school auditorium each morning at 7:40am - 8:02am to start your day off hearing the word and winding down these final days of senior year to be encouraged in the way of the Lord.
Senior Schedule for the final week
Friday: May 13
-- 7:40 - 8:02 - 22 Days of Foundational Truths Senior Devotions
-- last day of regular classes for seniors- exams on Mon./Tues.
Monday: May 16
-- 7:40 - 8:02 - 22 Days of Foundational Truths Senior Devotions
-- Senior exams (for non DE and AP classes)
-- Senior Walk at 1pm (parents/families are invited) - visitors should gather outside the multipurpose room on the patio and form a tunnel
-Seniors, bring your cap and gown for this! (to wear over your school clothes)
Tuesday: May 17
-- 7:40 - 8:02 - 22 Days of Foundational Truths Senior Devotions
-- Senior exams (For non DE and AP classes)
-- 6pm - Grateful Graduates Reception for all Seniors and Parents/Guardians, this is a special time to enjoy refreshments and connect parents/guardians with their students. Students have a special surprise for their parent/guardian planned for this event!
-7pm - HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field (All seniors & families invited)
Wednesday: May 18
-Senior (only) Luncheon - 1pm in the High School Auditorium followed by graduation practice.
-22 Days of Foundational Truths Senior Devotions will be during lunch today
Thursday: May 19
- Graduation - in the stadium/field at 7pm (additional details at the end)
-Seniors, be in the MPR by 6:15
New Information about connecting with the Counseling Team!
As we grow in numbers, we are still dedicated to meeting the needs of each of our students in a personal and meaningful way. In an effort to ensure that we are providing high quality communication and counseling services, we would like to utilize a different form of communication from now until the end of this school year. We would like for all counseling department inquiries to be sent to This will allow us to collaborate more effectively and ensure that none of our students 'fall through the cracks' as we experience God's blessing of growth in student numbers. Thank you for partnering with us as we journey into God's best for Trinity Christian High School.
National Day of Prayer (5/5/22)
At TCS “Christian” is our middle name because Jesus Christ is in the middle of everything we do. He reigns over us. He is the Foundation beneath us. He is the Example before us. He is the One beside us. And, He is the Power within us. We are a school who advances the kingdom of God on our knees one prayer at a time. Our leaders pray. Our teachers pray. Our staff prays. And our students pray. This year for National Day of Prayer (5/5/22), our students in the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy took over the chapel stage and led the school in worship and prayer. They led our hearts to join the nation in Prayer. Thanks to KC Lorow for his leadership and for the student participants in the Leadership Academy.
Be in prayer for Abigail White, Kendall Wells, Nolan Newberry, and Hollyn Robertson who will be our “Senior Moment” legacy speakers next week in chapel.
AP Exam Information
Are you an AP student? If so, please follow this link for all of the information you need regarding AP Testing
College and Career Day
College and Career Day was well attended and extremely informative for our student population. What a wonderful time for students to connect and collaborate with potential colleges and universities and also learn about some of their favorite careers! Please take some time to ask your student about their experience at the college fair!
What’s Happening in Class:
FACS (Family and Consumer Science) students are not only learning about child development but having real life hands-on experience working with preschool and kindergarten children, helping them learn. These "lab" days have been so successful that the preschool and kindergarten teachers have asked us to continue coming. A miracle happened the other day when one little preschool child who never participates in physical activities was running and jumping and participating like never before when the FACS students were in the classroom!
If you chose to pay through your smart tuition account, then it has now been charged. Please make sure that you have paid it by May 16th. Any accounts that have not paid for Prom by this date, will receive a $25 late fee per ticket.
Walking Yearbook Day for Seniors
We are encouraging our seniors to wear their class shirts on Thursday (May 12th) and to bring a sharpie so they can get their shirt signed by their classmates.
College Shirts Dress Down Day for Seniors
We want to see what is ahead for our class of 2022; therefore, Seniors may wear clothing that advertises the college or career field they are pursuing on Monday, May 16th and Tuesday, May 17th.
Upcoming Seniors
Juniors, now that you are about to be a Senior, it is now time to order your Senior shirt and sweatshirts for next year. You may wear your shirts May 20th-25th. Use this link for purchase:
You must order by MONDAY, MAY 9TH in order for us to get them to you in time to wear the last days of school.
Looking ahead
5/23-5/25 Half day Final Course Assessments for 9th-11th
5/25 Last Day of school!
5/26 Final Course Assessment Make Up Day - schedule with your teacher
Academic Schedule for the Last Week of School
Graduation Details
Details and directions for the event:
The graduate and two ticket holders can attend the event on the field. (Tickets will be distributed as a part of the final senior week activities)
Upon entering the stadium, ticketed guests will go to the field seats in the order they arrive.
Seating will be arranged with graduates together in the center and ticketed guests lined up on the sides of the field.
Those who do not have a ticket will sit in the stadium seating.
Entry to the campus will begin at 5:45 pm.
Graduates will meet in the high school multipurpose room area at 6:15 pm to receive specific directions to prepare for the processional. Graduates will enter the stadium with the traditional pomp and circumstance
A few other items:
Please wear shoes that are conducive to walking on turf (flat, wedge, or block heels are approved footwear).
Please do not use silly string or confetti at the Trinity Stadium.
This event will be live-streamed so that other family members, friends, and the community can view the ceremony. A link will be sent before the event.
Thank you for your cooperation in cleaning up your area in the stands/on the field before leaving the stadium. We are really looking forward to this milestone event for our students.
GRADUATES’ ATTIRE - Remember to bring your cap and gown!
No tight, form-fitting dresses which allow for limited movement.
Hemlines and slits should be no shorter than 3 inches above the top of the kneecap.
Strapless dresses are permitted; however, they cannot show ANY cleavage.
No low V-necklines in the front of the dress.
No two-piece dresses
No large cut-outs at mid-section or sides of the dress.
No nude/skin tone underlay creating the illusion of a deep plunging neckline or see-through material. Modesty panels may not be nude in color or transparent in any way.
Please wear appropriate undergarments: bra, slip, shorts, etc.
Shoes that are conducive to walking on turf (flat, wedge, or block heel are approved)
NOTE: White dresses are NOT required
If a student arrives out of dress code, they will be required to keep their graduation gown zipped at all times.
White-collared shirt (no T-shirts, polos, or colored collared shirts)
Tie/Bow Tie of your choice
Dress pants or dark khakis, no shorts or jeans
Dress shoes; no tennis shoes
If a student arrives out of dress code, they will be required to keep their graduation gown zipped at all times.