Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published July 17, 2022
Volume 134
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
We are called to "marvel" at ALL the great things God has done for us, and we can definitely say that the Lord HAS and IS continuing to do great things for us at TCS!
As you are aware, we continue to see the Lord’s hand of growth at TCS and this is indeed a reason to be glad and joyful. As a part of our growth plan at the high school level, we have expanded our learning environments to Building 1 on our beautiful campus. Our main goal in this expansion of space is to never compromise the student to teacher ratio of 24:1. This space was previously utilized for the PreK/K classes and it has now been fully updated to provide for the high school level learning. This plan actually began rolling out last year when our Junior and Senior students benefited from taking Dual Enrollment courses in the Building 1 space. This year we will increase our use of the space by offering Junior and Senior level courses as well as DE classes in this space. We are so grateful to have full access to this learning environment and are sure that a key point of excitement for our Junior and Senior students will be that it is the closest building to the student parking lot!
Senior Retreat
Hey Seniors, Check out these links regarding the packing list and agenda for the upcoming retreat. The sign up for this event is now closed (7/15 deadline) so that we can make the final arrangements.
Final weeks before school begins
Familiarize yourself with the new dress code items and order and/or shop for any new pieces you would like to add to your wardrobe.
Be sure you are working on any summer work (honors and AP classes only - see resources tab on Blackbaud for information)
Take a look at the high school supply list! and get in on any of those late summer deals before the first week of school rush! This can also be located on the resources tab on Blackbaud.
Be sure to request schedule changes via Fall 2022 Change Request Form if you are in need of making any changes.
Schedule times and sections will be finalized by August 1st and we can make changes as requested and possible at that time
As you review the schedule, you will notice that many classes that were previously 3 days per week are now 5 days per week. We have made this change to better meet accreditation requirements.
All change requests MUST be made through the google form (ONLY accessible through student accounts) so we have an accurate record for any possible waitlists.
If you are in need of your DDS forms, Email to order the required documentation for a Learners Permit or Drivers License. The form(s) may be picked up at the Main School Office Monday-Friday, 9:00-1:00. Please allow a 48 hour turnaround.
If you need to order a transcript, follow this link for all of the details!
Upcoming seniors: start making a list (if you haven’t already) of the colleges you are planning to apply to! Be sure to write down details and deadlines so you will have an idea of timelines…(Mrs. Whittle and senior teachers will be helping with this once school starts but it is always a great idea to get ahead of the game a bit!)
Make the most of your remaining summer making memories with family and friends!
Looking Ahead
TCS Back to School Events
Sunday, August 7 – Welcome to The ROAR (Social Gathering for ALL Families)
5:00 - 6:00 pm - NEW Families Welcome Session (Gym)
6:00 - 8:00 pm - Social Gathering for ALL Families (Stadium)
Includes a Taste of SAGE food sampling
Monday, August 8 – Meet My Teacher Day (Classroom Visits & School Supply Drop-offs)
No classes
Staggered Visiting Schedule:
9:30 - 11:30 am Last Names A – L
1:30 - 3:30 pm Last Names M – Z
Tuesday, August 9 – First Official Day of Classes (Students attend classes)
Dress Code Updates for 22/23 school year
Dress Code Specifications
While on campus, students are expected to be in compliance with the dress code at all times during the school day regardless of whether or not they are in class.
Any collared, buttoned-down dress or polo shirt (solid, striped, plaid, checkered but not camouflage, or sheer). * Shirts must be appropriately sized and neat in appearance. Oversized shirts are not permitted. NO large graphics.
White, neutral or matching undershirts, or turtleneck shirts may be worn under a polo shirt or button-down shirt.
Button-down shirts must be buttoned up when worn.
Pants, Shorts, Capris, Skirts
Jeans having no rips, holes or tears, khaki, black, gray pants, shorts, and capris (girls only). They must be tailored (not too large or too small) with proper hem. No sagging pants (a belt should be used to prevent sagging). No fraying or torn look; no cargo style. Shorts must be no more than 5 inches above the knee (about the length of an index card). No athletic shorts are allowed.
Khaki, black, gray, or purple plaid (previously purchased from the Trinity School Store and approved by TCS) pleated, straight, or A-line skirts – non-stretch cotton or cotton-twill only. Skirts must be knee length and bicycle shorts must be worn underneath.
Approved Outerwear
All outerwear (sweatshirts, hoodies, fleece jackets, and pullovers) must be TCS branded spirit wear purchased through the school store or approved by TCS.
Long-sleeved TCS t-shirts are not allowed to be worn as outerwear.
Collared shirts should be worn under all outerwear to ensure a student remains in dress code if the outerwear is removed during the day.
Outerwear not approved may be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day.
Shoes must be closed toe and closed back. No flip-flops or Crocs.
Socks should coordinate with the overall outfit and not be a distraction.
Dress Down Fridays
Each Friday, students are permitted to wear jeans(no rips, holes, or tears) or usual dress code pants/shorts/skirts with TCS branded spiritwear, including t-shirts.
Personal Appearance
BOYS – no piercings are allowed on campus or at school-related functions.
GIRLS – pierced jewelry is limited to earrings (no facial piercings)
Tattoos of any nature cannot be exposed on campus or at school-related functions.
Hats are not permitted to be worn on campus.
Hair (including facial hair) should always be clean, neat and well groomed.
Any form of dress, jewelry, make-up, hair style, hair coloring, or elements of personal appearance which are considered extreme, distracting, or disruptive are not allowed. All dress code policies are reviewed by a Review Board consisting of the principals, student development and director of diversity.
Meet our new staff members
My name is Andi Christopher and I am a proud wife of 11 years and also a proud momma of two courageous girls. I graduated with an Associates Degree in Orthopedic Healthcare but I have worked in a high school setting for 7 years. I love sports, traveling, running, my church, and mostly spending time with the ones I love. My favorite quote has been and will always be to just simply “Be Kind”!
My name is Harry Morrison, I am the new high school art teacher, and I am a former Trinity alumni, class of 2017. I attended Trinity from preschool all the way to graduation, and recently graduated from The University of North Georgia with a Bachelor's degree in Art, with an emphasis in digital art and sequential design. I am very excited to teach at my high school alma mater and help expand student creativity!
Mike Townson will be joining the Trinity Christian School staff in our History department. He will be teaching US History, Economics, & Health. He will also be serving as Head Boys’ Soccer Coach, Asst. Flag Football Coach, & Director of Soccer Operations. He has been in education for 20 years with experience in History, Special Education, & Health/PE. Mike is married to a fellow educator, Dr. Emily Townson. They are pictured with their children, AJ and Tyler.