Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published August 7, 2022
Volume 137
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Ready or not, it is that time to transition. To transition from the chill and leisure of summer back to the classroom. Back into the grind and the swing of all things in the school year. At the beginning of this academic year with our many feelings, expectations, fears and hopes ,we call upon the Lord. While some in our community are moving into their last year at Trinity, our freshman students are just getting started. However, it is a new start for us all. Help us to remember that the Lord has gone before us. Bless us all with your gifts of awe and wonder at what lies ahead. Be with us we take advantage of every day to be molded and shaped according to your will and your way. Let there be a thirst for knowledge, wisdom and understanding. May the hearts of the students be ready to learn this year. Open their ears, may they crave knowledge and seek it out. Grant us with the gift of discernment to make the right choices daily and to seek you first in all things. We place this school year in your hands, have your way with us! And all of God’s people say.
Let’s do this!
It’s Time for Opening Day!
Tuesday 8/9 is OPENING DAY! Students may wear Friday Spirit Wear attire and baseball style hats on the first day of school. The high school building is open from 7:30am to 3:30pm daily. Please take a look at your specific schedule to review your exact start time. Be sure to plan accordingly so that you are on time to class! We can’t wait to see you all and are looking forward to a great year ahead!
GO Week
Check out this link to view all of the trips that are available for the 2023 Go Week Trips.
Have you set up your Niche Profile?
What is Niche? Niche is the market leader in connecting colleges and schools with students and families. With in-depth profiles on every school and college in America, over 140 million reviews and ratings, and powerful search and data tools, Niche helps millions of students and families find and enroll in the right school for them. For schools, school districts, and communities, Niche’s platform, data, and services help thousands of schools recruit and enroll more best-fit students.
High School Students can use Niche to:
Search for colleges
Update SAT & ACT scores
Write TCS Reviews
And more
Is there a Fee for this service? Setting up the student profile is FREE
How do I get started? Here is a link to get started so that you can add TCS as your NICHE School
All Things Class of 2023
Check out this link for all of the things coming up just for our Seniors.
Counseling Team
Kayla Whittle serves as the Counseling Department Head and is directly responsible for serving our 11th and 12th grade students
Upcoming seniors: start making a list (if you haven’t already) of the colleges you are planning to apply to! Be sure to write down details and deadlines so you will have an idea of timelines…(Mrs. Whittle and senior teachers will be helping with this once school starts but it is always a great idea to get ahead of the game a bit!)
Brian Long is our 9th grade Academic Counselor and Brian Fourman is our 10th grade Academic Counselor
Even though the Counselors have grade level distinctions, they are all open and available to come alongside of our students to assist with navigating various needs that arise.
Counseling Info
What is a drop/add date? Drop/Add is a period of registration when students may change their class schedules.
TCS High School Drop/Add deadline: September 2nd
Dual Enrollment at WGTC
Start date: Technical programs start August 8th
Drop/add deadline: August 10th
Dual Enrollment at GMC
Start date: August 15th (for classes meeting at TCS)
August 25th (for classes meeting at the PTC Campus)
Drop/add deadline: August 18th
Dual Enrollment at Point
Start date: August 15th (for classes meeting at TCS)
Drop/add deadline: September 2nd
Dual Enrollment means that you are “dually enrolled” at both TCS and your DE Institution.
Online learning systems, grading systems and communication policies are all different in DE courses. Blackbaud will not have DE grades posted.
Parents are not permitted to contact college level instructors. Students must take full responsibility for their own grades, attendance and success in these classes.
Dual enrollment courses and programs at other institutions do not always align with the TCS breaks/holidays calendar. Students are responsible for understanding their own Dual Enrollment schedules and must fulfill the appropriate institutional attendance requirements.
Counseling Events
College Tour in our area!!
We can’t wait to see you!
MONDAY, AUGUST 8 – Meet My Teacher Day (Classroom Visits & School Supply Drop-offs)
No classes
Staggered Visiting Schedule:
9:30 - 11:30 am Last Names A – L
1:30 - 3:30 pm Last Names M – Z
TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 – First Day of Classes (Students attend classes)