Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published August 28, 2022
Volume 140
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Zephaniah 3:17 is an incredibly encouraging verse. If you’re feeling down, or overwhelmed, or not sure how you’re going to face the week ahead, check out the 5 promises in Zephaniah 3:17 - the promise of His presence, His power, His pleasure, His peace, and His praise. This is just a great reminder that we should place our trust in what is true and not in what we think or how we feel.
Absent from school
Please be sure to communicate student absences and send in excuse documents to Additionally, the student should always review Blackbaud and communicate with their teachers regarding the work that they have missed. In cases where the student is absent for more than 3 days, we would like to connect with the student upon return, assess their academic needs, and establish a Return to Academics Plan (RTA) accordingly. If students have a medical need related to their absence, please contact the nurse at to gain direction and guidance as appropriate and necessary based on the degree of the medical need.
Tardies and Transition
We are tracking tardies and reviewing them to make a determination of adjustments that need to be made due to being in two buildings this year. Students should never be late to class post the lunch period. There is ample time for the student to get lunch and eat from the TCS Dining Services and/or to leave campus and return in a timely fashion to report to class on time. There are no exemptions for tardies for classes that begin immediately following lunch unless there is something that is beyond the control of the student.
Please be reassured that those students that are marked tardy due to traveling from Building 1 to Building 5 or vice versa are not being penalized for this. We will be sure to communicate adjustments that are made to tailor the schedule to meet the needs of our students. We have a new plan in place that will be communicated directly with the group of students that are impacted with traveling between the buildings.
Subscribe to Blackbaud Notifications
Inside the Pride is our main method of communication regarding things that are going on around campus and especially at the high school level. Blackbaud is the platform we use to send notifications regarding attendance, official notes, grades, lesson plans, and everything for all of the courses your student is scheduled for.
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TCS Spirit Friday
Students may wear TCS hats with their TCS spirit wear and jeans. Only TCS hats are permitted to be worn. This new option will be allowed for all Friday dress down days moving forward.
College Football Kick Off
Wear your favorite college team shirt or jerseys and hat with dress code approved pants, skirts, shorts, or jeans on Thursday 9/1.
Dates to keep in mind
Friday 9/2 Remote Learning Day for Students - Professional Development Day for Staff - each class will communicate expectations for remote learning - this is not a day off, it is just allows more flexibility in how you get the work done remotely
Monday 9/5 Labor Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
HOCO week 9/12-9/16
HOCO Dance 9/17 7-10pm
Monday 9/12 the outdoor shade structures are to be finalized
Friday 10/7 Remote Learning for all students Professional Development Day for Staff- each class will communicate expectations for remote learning - this is not a day off, it is just allows more flexibility in how you get the work done remotely
Monday 10/10 Fall Break Day - NO SCHOOL
Homecoming Week
Plan now to dress up and join in on the homecoming fun!
Monday 9/12- Character Day
Tuesday 9/13 - Twin Day
Wednesday 9/14 - Pirate Day
Thursday 9/15 - Mismatch Day
Friday 9/16 - TCS Spirit Day
Dress Code guidelines for dress up week
Homecoming Dance
“A Night of Thousand Lights”
Saturday, September 17th, 2022
7:00pm - 10:00pm
High School Multipurpose Room
For 9th-12th grade
Dressy Casual
Dressy Casual means:
Girls: knee length or longer sundress, day dress, or evening dress, midi skirt and nice top, or a dressy pants outfit (jumpsuit).
Guys: Dress slacks, sports jacket/blazer, collared shirt and tie, or polo shirt.
ALL girls will need to have their outfit approved. This includes guests.
Please take time to review the guidelines which now includes examples of options
and what will be approved and not approved.
Tickets can be purchased next week during lunch in building 5 and after 1st and 6th period in building 1.
Prices are: $10 (Aug 29th - Sept 2nd), $15 ( Sept 5th - 9th), $20 (12th - 15th)
Students who would like to bring a date who does not go to Trinity Christian School, must fill out the Guest form and turn it in by 9/15
Congratulations to our 2022 Homecoming Court
Brand new team for 2022 - SPEECH AND DEBATE TEAM
Do you love a good debate? Do you enjoy sharing stories or giving your opinion? If so, Trinity is launching a brand New High School Speech and Debate Team and we need you! The Speech and debate team is open to 9th through 12th grade students and no experience is needed! If you are interested, please see Mr. Yeakley or email him at for more details.
If you are ready to sign up, please complete this google form.
Volleyball Pink Out matches
Come out and support our amazing Volleyball Program at our Pink Out matches on Tuesday, August 30th!
Counseling Team NEWS
UPDATE: We have added more time to the College Application Workshop opportunity! This is good news, but also means that we need to have senior's sign up for a time. Please use the link below to register for a day/time that works for you! Link to register: College Application Workshop
What is a drop/add date? Drop/Add is a period of registration when students may change their class schedules. However, this is not designed for students to change their mind about a class but rather to move to a class that is better for their learning ability. Please note that many classes are full, so limited movement can happen at this time.
TCS High School Drop/Add deadline : September 2nd
Dual Enrollment at Point - Drop/add deadline: September 2nd
Dual Enrollment means that you are “dually enrolled” at both TCS and your DE Institution.
Online learning systems, grading systems and communication policies are all different in DE courses. Blackbaud will not have DE grades posted.
Parents are not permitted to contact college level instructors. Students must take full responsibility for their own grades, attendance and success in these classes.
Dual enrollment courses and programs at other institutions do not always align with the TCS breaks/holidays calendar. Students are responsible for understanding their own Dual Enrollment schedules and must fulfill the appropriate institutional attendance requirements.