Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published October 16, 2022
Volume 147
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Those who know the Lord and delight themselves in Him and His Word of truth, will receive the desire of their heart.
As believers who read, mark, learn, receive, and focus day and night on the truth of HIS word, we do not become entangled in the ways of the world. Those who search the Scriptures daily are not only wise, but truly blessed of the Lord: "For blessed is the man who delights in the law of the Lord and on his law meditates day and night." He will be like a tree securely planted by streams of life-giving water, which brings forth much fruit in its season, to the glory of God.
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Sept 15th - Oct 15th.
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, Student Council members, Brianna Hernandez and Michelina Ryan, introduced five latin dances during lunch last week. The lunchroom was full of laughter and smiles as eight students, nominated by their peers, paired up and learned the Bachata, Salsa, Merengue, Samba, and Folklorico. Teachers served as judges, and it was quite entertaining to watch. The pair that won were 10th graders, Sienna Johnson and Henry Zueck. Following their win, they did a dance off with gifted dancers junior, Isaiah Ware and Marketing, Communications & Events Director, Oscar Camejo. Henry and Sienna did a great job looking just as experienced as them. They earned their FREE Meal to Willy’s sponsored by Student Council, and all participants and Student Council members involved were given a favorite Latin American food- wafers. During lunchtime on Friday we will continue celebrating the Hispanic culture as we play Mas Tierra and bust a pinata.
Abby’s Angels
National Teen Driver Safety Week - October 16-22nd and we are joining forces again with Abby’s Angels Foundation for a purposeful week of awareness. On Monday, 10/17 we will be modifying the schedule to allow time for an assembly presentation by Daquarius “Q” Greene who will be sharing his impactful story with our high school population.
During this emphasis week we would like for students to wear the following colors in dress code attire (collared shirts). Friday will be the only dress down day where students may wear a pink shirt of any kind (short sleeve and long sleeve t-shirts accepted). If you choose not to participate, please be sure that you are in the regular dress code.
Assembly Schedule
Discipleship 201
Our school is dedicated to preparing today's students to impact tomorrow's world. A major part of that preparation is educating them on the depths and riches of the Love of God. This equips our students to carry the gospel into whatever future endeavors they have. We're excited to introduce our newest way to equip students for that future, Discipleship 201. Discipleship 201 will give students an opportunity to dive deeper and pursue the name of God through service projects, leadership opportunities, and added assignments. Each grade will have their own requirements and goals which will be defined by their grade-level Bible teacher. Discipleship 201 students will be celebrated at Honors Night and given a cord to wear at graduation. (Students who participate multiple years will receive multiple items) This program is optional for all students. If interested, please talk to your grade-level Bible Teacher or email with any questions.
National CROCS DAY
We know that our students LOVE crocs and many have received notifications of reminders that Crocs are not a part of our dress code at TCS.
Did you know that there is a National Crocs Day?! Believe it or not, this is a real day and it is on Sunday 10/23…so on Monday 10/24 students may wear crocs to school! They can be crocs with socks, crocs with fur, camo crocs, crocs in sport mode, crocs in 4WD, crocs with accessories or just plain crocs!
Dress Code Reminder
● Shoes must be closed toe and closed back. No flip-flops or Crocs.
Approved Outerwear
● All outerwear (sweatshirts, hoodies, fleece jackets, and pullovers) must be TCS branded spirit wear through the school store or approved by TCS.
● Long-sleeved TCS t-shirts are not allowed to be worn as outerwear.
Dates to keep in mind
Monday 10/17 Assembly Schedule - National Student Driver Safety
Wednesday 10/26 College Fair from 1:30-3:30
Monday 10/31 TCS spirit day
Thursday 11/10 Veteran’s Dinner (sponsored by the Beta Club)
Monday 12/12 Night of Prayer (TCS, community, and GO Week emphasis)
Looking ahead into Semester II:
Prom 3/16
Senior Walk Monday 5/15
Honors Night Tuesday 5/16
Senior Luncheon and Practice Wednesday 5/17
Graduation Thursday 5/18
Counseling Team NEWS
Seniors! We would LOVE to start sharing acceptance photos on the TCS Guidance Social Media accounts! Please send me a picture of you with your acceptance letters! Let's celebrate together!