Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published October 30, 2022
Volume 149
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
We pursue so many things, but only one pursuit brings wisdom. The wisdom of Proverbs keeps leading us back to "knowing God" and having a deep and reverential awe toward him as the source of wisdom. Understanding of priorities, needs, purposes, goals, problems, and issues can only occur when we first recognize who the Lord is and know him in our day to day lives.
Attendance review
The attendance in Blackbaud can definitely take you by surprise and make you think that your student has been absent EXCESSIVELY! Don’t flip out…the number reflects the total number of absences that have been accrued for each day and each period. The best way to review attendance is when you are reviewing the “performance”.
The best way to review attendance is to select the view history option and then choose view/print pdf so that you can accurately review the absences for your student in each class.
As per the TCS Handbook, students who are absent more than ten (10) days in a class per semester may not receive credit for that course. Students that are at risk and are in need of attendance recovery options will receive a notification directly from the High School Attendance Team.
Veterans Celebration Dinner
The high school Beta Club is excited to announce the annual Veterans Celebration Dinner on Thursday, November 10th at 6:00pm. This special dinner is open to any retired or active duty military and their families.
Please spread the word, so that we can honor these men and women who have served so selflessly. Please have them sign up via the link below. If you have questions, please contact Val Adams.
Sign up for the dinner
If you are unable to access the form, please email to RSVP.
Please come join Mrs. Maupin's Senior English Classes for a "just for fun" Car Show!
November 12, 11 -1, in the TCS parking lot.
Food trucks, music, fun and fellowship!
If you have or know of anyone who has cool vintage or modern wheels, please sign up below. Think.... electric cars, trucks, tanks, helicopters, tractors, motorcycles, jeeps, go-carts, ATV's,and more. Really anything but minivans!
TCS High School hosted over 20 institutions on Wednesday, Oct 26th for TCS’ 3rd Annual College Fair. Students were able to speak to recruiters from public, private, technical and military schools! College Fairs promote and encourage students to consider all the possibilities as they move forward into their next academic chapter.
Foot Traffic
With the terrible fire that has caused Heirloom Marketplace to shut down, the convenience store is getting a lot of foot traffic in the morning as it is easily accessed by students that are being dropped off earlier than the start of their scheduled class time. If your expectation is for your student to remain in the building, then please make sure that you are providing those clear directions and expectations to your student as we will not be monitoring who is in and out of the building until the classes have started. Students should make necessary arrangements to ensure that they are on time for the start of each class. Once classes have started, 9th and 10th grade students will be monitored and they are not permitted to leave the high school building or go off campus without parent permission for any reason. Our student lounge and MPR are utilized for those students that need to arrive before the start of their first class. It is important to note that attendance is only taken at the start of each class.
We are working to be able to offer coffee, frappes, pastries and other breakfast items to purchase in the mornings as an effort to eliminate the “foot traffic” over to the convenience store.
Trendy clothing:
All jeans must be plain jeans with no rips, holes or tears. No graphic designs, patchwork, multi-colored, faded or other variety. This will be strictly enforced.
All clothing should be free of symbols or graphics depicting seasonal or other themes unless a part of a special dressdown day
Cold weather:
Only Trinity outerwear is allowed in the building. While we understand that it is getting colder, students should make arrangements to purchase outerwear that is approved Trinity attire.
Blankets will not be permitted in the classroom. Students should leave those at home or in their cars because they are not appropriate for the learning environment.
Dates to keep in mind
Monday 10/31 TCS spirit day (Friday attire)
Thursday 11/10 Veteran’s Dinner (sponsored by the Beta Club)
Monday 12/12 Night of Prayer (TCS, community, and GO Week emphasis)
Looking ahead into Semester II:
PromProm 3/16
Senior Walk Monday 5/15
Honors Night Tuesday 5/16
Senior Luncheon and Practice Wednesday 5/17
Graduation Thursday 5/18