Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published December 11, 2022
Volume 155
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Did you know that one of the most frequently issued commands in all of the Bible is for us to sing to the Lord? Throughout both the Old and New Testaments there are hundreds of instances of singing that are either described or commanded. Singing is an essential practice of the Christian life and it is one of God’s most-issued commands to us in His Word. Singing has such a unique way of bringing your heart, soul, mind, and strength together to focus entirely and completely on God. So, let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord as a way to glorify HIS holy name.
Night of Prayer
Join us on December 12th at 6pm on the Trinity football field to engage in corporate prayer and to provide some instructions for a self-guided prayer walk across the Trinity campus. Prayer stations will be located in areas with specific prayer needs. We will pray for our GoWeek mission trips, the faculty and staff, our athletes and students, even our community at large. We hope that you will link arms with us on this special night.
Airpods, Earbuds, Headphones OH MY!
Deciding whether to allow students to listen to music in the classroom is a TCS teacher's dilemma. Every single time students need to write an essay or work on a problem, they say, "Can I put my headphones on? I think better that way!" In general, we would be OK with this…however, it has become a continuous issue for many of our students that are taking advantage of wearing the airpods, earbuds, headphones in the classroom at all times. Yes, even while the teacher is providing instruction. With this in mind, we are asking the students to leave these accessories at home, in their car, or in their backpack. We do not want to see them during the school day, so beginning this final week and ongoing for the remainder of the school year, students will no longer be asked to take them out as we will now just need to take them up. If taken up, they can be picked up at the end of the school day.
Community Partnerships
This is the final week to send in the items listed below - We appreciate your partnership and impact on our community!
Collection Dates: Now - Wednesday 12/15
Freshmen: I-58 Mission - New (or gently used) Shoes
Sophomores: Bloom Closet - Teenage clothes
Juniors: Backpack Buddies - Cereal Boxes
Seniors: Real Life Center - Toilet Paper & Socks
TeenStreet Local GO Week!
TeenStreet is an international community of young Jesus followers.
We partner with churches around the world to motivate, equip and walk alongside Christian teens to have a real relationship with Jesus and reflect Him daily in their world.
In all our events- teens will have fun, go deep, and be bold! They will be encouraged to live life fully. Whether at home, work, or school — they will see that they are uniquely made to fully participate in God's Kingdom story.
For Local GO Week 2023, teens will interact around our global theme for the year of ‘Seen.’ They will dig into Daniel’s story in the Old Testament and participate in worship, workshops, a United Nations refugee simulation, and a field trip to Clarkston, GA. They will hear stories from refugees and nonprofits in the most diverse square mile in America!
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM January 3, 4, & 5 (the building will be open from 7:30pm to 3:30pm for those that need to be dropped off early or cannot be picked up at 1pm - NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY 1/6). Students may purchase a lunch from SAGE or will need to bring a sack lunch - students will not be permitted to go off campus during this event *GO Week is not optional, this is a built in part of our academic calendar. Students are expected to participate during this school week by attending a trip or staying local. Students that do not participate will be counted as absent.
Cost $25
Sign up today!
Holiday Information
If your student has a DDS appointment scheduled during the Christmas break for either their Learner’s Permit or their Driver’s License, please email no later than 12/12/22 so the paperwork can be prepared for your student to take home before the break since the school will be closed and the DDS will not accept the information via email.
PSAT Scores Available NOW!
Important Reminders:
Encourage your students to create a College Board account so they can easily access their scores online and unlock a robust set of personalized resources to help them understand their scores. *
*Please note: When students set up their College Board accounts, it is highly recommended that they write down their password in a secure and easily retrievable location. Additionally, it is better to use another email account other than the account if possible.
Students will be seamlessly connected to other College Board opportunities, Official SAT® Practice on Khan Academy®, college readiness resources, and scholarships.
Students who are 13 and older who provided their email address on their PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 8/9 answer sheets will receive an email reminder to view their October PSAT/NMSQT and September–October PSAT 8/9 scores online.
PSAT/NMSQT scores will be available to students December 5–6. The exact date depends on where the student is accessing their score from. View the schedule for releasing scores to students.
PSAT 8/9 scores will be available to students beginning December 5.
This youtube video will help you understand the process for accessing scores online: Accessing Your PSAT/NMSQT Score Report
Follow this link to access scores:
Email for any questions
Mid Course Assessment Week of Schedule 12/12 - 12/15
A few things to know as we head into this last week:
The last day for elective classes was Friday, Dec. 9
Monday - Tuesday - Regular schedule
Wednesday-Thursday - block schedule for classes that fall on the M/T/TH schedule
12/9 Last day to view grades as the students move into the final week of taking MCAs - Grades to post on the transcript by 1/9
12/16 Teacher work day/remote day for students- end of term survey
Students have been having fun with our Christmas Spirit Week. Here are a few group photos.
More to Come:
Week of Dec 12th -15th (Looking Comfy And Cozy For The Long Winters Nap Ahead)
All week you may wear sweatpants with EITHER Christmas theme tops or TCS spirit tops. (NO regular tops regardless of the color and NO pajamas, flannel pants, or leggings).
Christmas Fun at Lunch
This past week a few Student Council members facilitated some Christmas games during lunch.
Anderson Embry (10th grade) led Finish the Christmas Lyric
RJ Coker (10th grade) led Pin the Nose on the Snowman
Emily Harris (11th grade)led Ring Toss on the Reindeer
Colby Scott (12th grade) led a Christmas Sing off
Courtney Richardson (12th grade) led Christmas Jeopardy
Abby Wozniak (12th grade) led How many small balls can you catch in Santa’s beard
Still to Come…
This Wednesday, December 14th, we will hold a Christmas Silent Disco in first floor classrooms of Building 5. Know that spots are limited. It is first come first serve and depending on the turnout, students may have to take shifts.
Dates to keep in mind
Monday 12/12 Night of Prayer (TCS, community, and GO Week emphasis)
Looking ahead into Semester II -
GO Week International, Stateside (First Week of January 2023)
GO Week LOCAL January 3,4,5
Prom 3/16
Senior Walk Monday 5/15
Honors Night Tuesday 5/16
Senior Luncheon and Practice Wednesday 5/17
Graduation Thursday 5/18