Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published April 16, 2023
Volume 170
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
In John 14:27, Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Jesus doesn’t say we won’t have trouble; He says we don’t have to let ourselves be troubled. When we have God on our side, we can live securely. We can experience peace. God’s peace is available to all of us; we just have to humble ourselves and allow Him to run our daily lives. We weren’t designed to carry the weight of the world, but God can.
Official Trinity School Personalized Graduation Announcements
CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2023! We cannot believe how quickly the year has gone by and before you know it, you will be walking across the stage at graduation! Make sure everyone knows how hard you have worked to achieve one of the best moments of your life and announce your graduation with class.
Senior Cap & Gown Graduation Pictures /
Important Stole Information
WHEN: Monday and Tuesday, April 17-18
Cap & Gown Picture Schedule for April 17th
Cap & Gown Picture Schedule for Tuesday, April 18th
WHERE: Student Center Bldg 1
WHAT TO BRING: Boys - white t-shirt; Girls - white blouse
DAY / TIME: Students will receive an email of their scheduled picture time
*This is an optional picture that will not appear in the yearbook
Make sure you have taken your gown out of the package prior to the pictures so it won’t be wrinkled. It can be ironed on a low setting or hung in the bathroom to be “steamed” please remember to be very careful with the degree of heat on the material
Our NEW stole has a small opening on the inside of the stole that was needed to monogram the “T”. We suggest using black hemming tape to close the gap. The tape can be purchased on Amazon
Senior Graduation Yard Signs
The school is providing each graduate with a yard sign! Please have your senior pick up their sign in the administrative office area.
Graduation Ticket Information
Each Senior will receive (2) tickets for guests to sit with them on the stadium field during the graduation ceremony. There will be open seating (first come first serve) for all other guests on both sides of the stadium. The ceremony will be held at the Trinity Stadium beginning at 7:00pm.
Senior Fun Event
On Tuesday, April 25th the seniors are scheduled to spend most of their day off campus. As these students approach the final month of their high school experience, joining together in fellowship while participating in fun activities is our focus for this event. Breakfast and lunch are included, and transportation will be provided by TCS. Students are reminded to follow the TCS dress code policy, encouraged to wear spirit wear shirts, along with jeans.
Requirements: Click on the links below, fill out, and submit forms by Friday, April 21st.
Parent Permission Form: Link ->
Student Permission Form: Link ->
Schedule of Events:
8:30 am Report to MPR
8:40 am Prayer, followed by breakfast (provided by TBD)
9:00 am Depart from TCS
10:00 am Main Event All Access Pass
11:00 am Lunch provided by Main Event
12:00 pm Depart from Main Event
1:00 pm Arrive back to TCS
3101 Cobb Parkway SE Suite 104
Atlanta, GA 30339
Senior Sunset Picnic
Sunday, April 23rd 7:00pm - 8:45pm
Since we started the school year with a prayer time at sunrise with our seniors, we want to end the school year with a prayer time with our seniors during sunset. Twelfth grade Bible Teacher, Patrick Brannon, will supply us with his world famous BBQ (pulled pork and brisket). Students bring your blankets, chairs, and outdoor games and be ready to have one more night of fun with your graduating class.
Advisement day is upon us!
What is advisement day?
Advisement day is a day for teachers to meet with students about their schedule for next year.
When is it?
Tuesday, April 25
What will happen during this time?
Students will discuss with teachers what course they would like to take in the particular subject, and teachers will advise them on their recommendation.
What happens after that?
Students will bring their advisement forms home and parents and students can sit down together and determine the specific courses* that they would like to choose based on the teacher's recommendations. Additionally, students will pick the electives that they would like to take next year.
When will students turn in these forms?
Forms with both student and parent signatures will be turned into Bible classes by Tuesday, May 2.
*A course catalog will be provided to answer questions about classes
Challenges from Chapel
We continue to give God praise and thanks for the amazing ways He is working in our school! This past Thursday in both of our chapel environments, worship was powerful and the teaching was clear and convicting. Many thanks to Mr. Tim Hurt and our student-led chapel worship team for leading us so faithfully all year long. In senior chapel, our students were blessed to hear from TCS high school science teacher Tommy Stell. Mr. Stell is loved by our students, and he shared a powerful message about God breaking down strongholds in our lives. Sharing the story of King Josiah from the Old Testament, Mr. Stell challenged our students to surrender themselves fully to God, allowing Him to break down strongholds that affect their identity, their behavior, and their future. May God have His will and way in their lives as they prepare for the next chapter.
In our underclassmen chapel, Luke Troyanek from ONE Church in Fayetteville challenged our students to know Jesus personally and be fully connected to Him. Sharing from the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet in John 13, Luke reminded us that through our relationship with Jesus, we are cleansed, restored, and renewed to do the work He has given us to do. We thank God for speaking through the power of the Holy Spirit in both of these messages. Let us all be reminded to always be and remain in Christ, for apart from Him we can do nothing!
Dates to keep in mind
Senior Cap & Gown Pictures 4/17 - 4/18
Senior fun event 4/25
Advisement day 4/25
Advisement forms due 5/2
Senior Walk - Monday 5/15 1pm
Senior Honors Night - Tuesday 5/16 Crossroads Church HWY 16 7pm
Senior Brunch and Practice - Wednesday 5/17 10am
Graduation** - Thursday 5/18 7pm TCS Football Stadium
**Each senior will receive 2 tickets for guests to sit on the field, the stadium will be open for anyone to attend
9-11th Honors Night - 5/23 7:30 pm TCS Football Stadium
High School Administrative Contacts
Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.
Attendance -
Tracy White Office Manager -
Kayla Whittle Counseling Department Head -
Val Adams Director of Curriculum and Instruction -
JP Weaver Director of Student Development -
Kimmy Jones High School Principal -