Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published July 16, 2023
Volume 178
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
The word delight means “to gain great pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness.” Isn’t that the kind of relationship you want with the Lord? Well, God also wants that kind of connection, and our part in helping it develop is through commitment, trust, and patience. Enjoying our relationship with the Lord requires effort, but it is a labor of love. We were made to find joy in God’s presence. The greatest pleasure we can experience is to walk hand in hand with our Father. Take time each day to bask in His presence and delight yourself in Him!
Only AP classes have summer reading this summer. Specific details can be found in blackbaud resources regarding the summer reading assignments.
Questions? If you are a junior, contact - If you are a senior,
9:00am - 1:00pm
Located in the Elementary Building
Diploma Pick Up
The high school diplomas are still available for pick up at the Main Office, Elementary building, until Friday, July 28th.
After 7/28, the diplomas will be filed in the office.
DDS Driver Learner Permit and Driver’s License Information
Email to request the DDS paperwork needed for your student’s Learner Permit or Driver’s License.
Dress Code
Be sure to check out the Student Handbook in Blackbaud to review the dress code in order to be dressed for success in the new school year. You will definitely want to take note that we will be permitting students to follow our normal “Friday” Spirit Day attire each day of the week. This means that Trinity branded spirit wear, to include t-shirts, may be worn with dress code approved bottoms any day of the week!
Stock up on all of the new spirit wear from the school store.
Open Tuesdays each week in the Summer from 11am-2pm
Starting August 1st open daily from 11am-2pm GO LIONS!
High School Supply List
The high school supply list is linked here and can also be viewed on Blackbaud under the resources tab.
Underclassmen Class Shirts
Be sure to place your order for the class shirt for your student. Students are encouraged to wear these shirts on the first day of school so they can represent their new grade. All orders placed by Tuesday, July 18th will have guaranteed delivery to school for students to pick up at Orientation on August 7th, 2023. All orders placed after July 18th, 2023 will be filled as quickly as possible for a quick delivery to the school.
Senior Formal Picture for
2023-2024 Yearbook Information
Prestige Photography by Lifetouch was recently on campus to take senior photos.
This photographer is an option (not mandatory) and will ensure our senior formal pictures are uniform for the yearbook and graduation program. If you missed the summer photo session, *August 14-16 are the scheduled makeup dates
Senior Retreat
Senior students will kick off the school year together in the North Georgia Mountains enjoying team building, games, worship and inspiring teaching moments Aug. 7-9th!
Registration for this event is located directly on the parent Blackbaud account, set to close out on August 4th. Be sure to secure your spot so you don’t miss out! Also, do not forget to download the Camp Highlands Child Form Waiver (under 18) or the Adult Form Waiver to be filled out and completed for the student. The waiver forms will be collected no later than August 7th before departing for the retreat.
As an added bonus, we will be hosting potluck brunch inside the MPR for our seniors and parents before leaving campus. This will be a wonderful opportunity to fellowship and to pray with our senior families. In order to make this event successful, parents are encouraged to consider volunteer opportunities. If interested, please visit the Sign Up Genius link here.
Questions about this event? Email Director of Student Development, JP Weaver (
See the link below for more fun activities we have planned for our Seniors the first two weeks of school.
Football Themes
Student Council members have chosen the following themes for our upcoming Friday night football games.
August 25th- Hawaiian
September 1st- USA
September 15th - Neon
Sept. 22nd (Homecoming)- Black out
September 29th (Away Game at Stars Mill) - Construction
October 6th- Pink Out
October 27th - Western
November 3rd-Christmas
2023-24 High School Schedules
Finalized schedules will be available to view Tuesday, Aug. 1st
Here is the updated 2023-24 high school period and time schedule.
Parking is on Hold
We will start the year without underclassmen being able to drive on campus. This means that only Juniors and Seniors will be able to obtain a driver’s parking permit for the upcoming school year. We understand that this is an inconvenience, but the good news is that we are just on hold for opening up spaces for underclassmen. Our property expansion for additional parking is still under construction and will not be ready for the start of the school year. There will also not be any paid parking in the old heirloom lot as they do not own it anymore.
Updates about the High School Kitchen
If you have visited our campus this summer, you have seen the construction in our high school building. We are so excited to share that our new kitchen in the High School is on schedule and will be up and running by the start of school. This wonderful addition to our campus will give your high school student access to an enhanced dining program.
New and improved dining program
Additional menu offerings including a wide variety of healthy options:
Full soup and salad bar
Deli bar
Hot food stations
Splashes (beverage station)
Desserts (twice a week)
Multiple trips
Senior families, you will be receiving an email with more details to opt in to the new and improved dining program. Because Seniors are allowed to leave campus during the day, they are not automatically enrolled in the dining program. However, this year Seniors are able to enroll in the dining program for a semester at a time to allow for sports season conflicts. Please keep a lookout for an email on Monday, July 17th with more details to enroll.
High School Administrative Contacts
Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.
Attendance -
Tracy White Office Manager -
Brian Fourman - Counseling Department Head (11/12th grade Coordinator) –
Michelle Hutcheson- Counseling Department (9/10th grade Coordinator) -
Val Adams - Director of Curriculum and Instruction
JP Weaver - Director of Student Development --
Kimmy Jones - High School Principal