Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published August 20, 2023
Volume 183
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
God, in His great love and grace, is giving us as believers the strength to do what needs to be done, to do the good works that He has called every believer to do. Take a look at what God has given you. Take a look at what God has promised you. Be encouraged and rely upon His strength to keep moving forward in His ways, to do good and be His witness. May His favor be upon you and the generations to come!
Date: Monday, Aug 21st
Location: Gym
9-11th grade students will have their picture taken for the yearbook. Please wear a collared shirt preferably in Trinity colors. No spirit wear T-shirts.
They should bring their pre-order form with payment to school on picture day to give to the photographer when they have the picture taken.
ALICE Lockdown Drill
The safety and security of students, teachers, and staff is our top priority.
On 8/16 students and staff watched the ALICE training video that provides instruction on what they can do to protect themselves in the event of an active threat. This week, the high school population will practice the lockdown drill. This drill, along with our other drills, are practiced on a monthly rotation as they are important for safety procedures inside the building and to develop some awareness of the protocols to follow.
Progress Learning - Baseline Measurement
This past week, students completed progress learning in order to establish a baseline measurement of their content knowledge in the areas of literature/reading comprehension and math. Teachers of these content areas will review the August data and create a plan of action for future assessments and individualized instruction based on class results.
GO Week 2024
Monday 8/21 7pm-8pm HS MPR/Auditorium
Informational session about GO Week trips, registration, expectations and other FAQs
On Campus Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment Point University classes are held at TCS. It is important to note that these are college courses and that all communications are conducted with the student directly. Dual enrollment professors at any college or university do not communicate via email with parents due to federal privacy law (FERPA). Additionally, TCS teachers, staff and administrators are not the point of contact for dual enrollment classes.
Dual enrollment classes do NOT meet on Mondays even if they appear on your schedule.
Classes begin: Tuesday, August 15
End: Friday, December 8
*If your student is enrolled in a course that is not being offered on campus i.e West Georgia Technical College, GMC, or another Academic Institution please take time to review their start and end dates as well as the policy on absences and tardies. These courses are not managed by TCS and therefore do not follow the same calendar or guidelines.
Drop/Add Period for High School
The drop/add period for high school classes ends on Friday, Sept. 1. If you would like to request a schedule change, use the form below.
Saturday, September 23rd
Multipurpose Room
Tickets will go on sale in September
Dress Code Guidelines
While we are not approving dresses this year, you must meet the following guidelines in order to enter the dance. Attire will be reviewed upon entry and is at the discretion of the HS Leadership Team.
Girls’ Attire Guidelines:
No tight form-fitting dresses or skirts. The hemline at the bottom needs to be wide from front to back so that there is a good bit of space between your thighs and your dress.
Dresses should be of modest length providing full coverage (about 3 inches above the knee with bicycle shorts underneath )
Rompers are acceptable, but they must be fingertip length and non-form fitting.
No low necklines. Yet, before you pass on a great dress, consider adding some additional fabric that is not see through or wear a modesty panel. See the cute modesty panels they have on Amazon.
Make sure your attire does not have sheer see through material from chest down.
Slits should not go higher than 3 inches above the knee.
The back of the dress should be raised to not have any view or exposure of the small of the back. Use the natural waistline as the guide
Sides of the dress should fully wrap to the back and at a minimum to cross the midline of the side of the body
If dresses have lace as a top layer, the underlayer can not be close to your skin tone because it gives the impression we are seeing your skin. This means that a nude/skin tone underlay is not approved.
Two-piece dresses are allowed, but must have no more than two fingers of space in between the top and the skirt, even while hands are raised.
GIRLS – pierced jewelry is limited to earrings (no nose piercings).
Tattoos of any nature cannot be exposed on campus or at school-related functions.
Guys’ Attire Guidelines:
Nice Casual pants free from holes, rips, or tears.
Collared button down or polo shirt (Must stay buttoned all night)
Ties, bowtie, sport jackets are optional
No pierced jewelry is allowed at school-related functions.
Tattoos of any nature cannot be exposed on campus or at school-related functions.
Dress Code
Pants, Shorts, Capris, Skirts and T-shirts
Jeans having no rips, holes, tears, or frays and may only be in the following dress code colors khaki, black, gray and of course standard blue
Jeans must be free of patterns and graphics
Skirts must be knee length and bicycle shorts must be worn underneath.
T-Shirts must be specifically TCS branded and NOT an affiliate of TCS ie GHSA, FCA, GO Week etc
Approved Outerwear
All outerwear (sweatshirts, hoodies, fleece jackets, and pullovers) must be TCS branded spirit wear purchased through the school store or approved by TCS.
Long-sleeved TCS t-shirts are not allowed to be worn as outerwear.
Outerwear not approved may be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day.
Personal Appearance Reminders
BOYS – no piercings are allowed on campus or at school-related functions.
GIRLS – pierced jewelry is limited to earrings (no facial piercings)
In the event that the student has piercings they should be removed as bandaid coverings are not permitted.
Tattoos of any nature cannot be exposed on campus or at school-related functions.
Hats are not permitted to be worn on campus (with exception to Friday Spirit Days - hats must be TCS branded).
Hair (including facial hair) should always be clean, neat and well groomed.
Football Themes
Student Council members have chosen the following themes for our upcoming Friday night football games.
High School Administrative Contacts
Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.
Attendance -
Tracy White Office Manager -
Brian Fourman - Counseling Department Head (11/12th grade Coordinator) –
Michelle Hutcheson- Counseling Department (9/10th grade Coordinator) -
Val Adams - Director of Academics
JP Weaver - Director of Student Development --
Kimmy Jones - High School Principal