Inside the Pride High School News - Volume 245

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published December 8, 2024
Volume 245

Blake Bass - Interim High School Principal
Events & Announcements
A Message to High School Parents
Dear TCS High School Parents,
It’s hard to believe, but we’re approaching the end of the first semester. Next week marks the last full week of instruction, offering a vital opportunity for students to review and solidify their understanding before exams.
Exam Schedule
Exam week will run from Tuesday, December 17th, to Thursday, December 19th, following an adjusted half-day schedule with exams each day. Breakfast will be provided for high school students by SAGE each morning. A detailed schedule for exam week is included in the following section.
Please encourage your students to use the coming week to review thoroughly and seek clarification in their classes. Preparation during this time is key to finishing the semester strong!
Looking Ahead: GO Week
As we conclude this semester, we’re also eagerly preparing for the second semester and one of the highlights of the school year: GO Week, taking place January 6–10.
Students participating in international and out-of-state trips have received their itineraries, and detailed information for local opportunities will be shared later this week.
GO Week embodies Trinity Christian School’s mission to serve and witness to others. Through service projects, we not only help meet practical needs but also share the love of Christ in meaningful ways. This is a powerful opportunity for students to live out Galatians 6:2, which calls us to "bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ."
Thank you for partnering with us to support your students, both academically and spiritually. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
In Christ,
Blake Bass
Assistant Head of School
Interim High School Principal
Below you will find the high school schedule for finals week. Here are several reminders about the week:
Students are expected to be in class for any period or exam on their schedule.
If a student is absent and misses an exam, they should email their teacher as soon as possible to make arrangements to make up their exam.
If a student does not have a class period at the assigned time, they do not need to be on campus. If they are on campus, they need to be in the student lounge.
Students should be picked up by 12:30. If they remain on campus, they will need to be in the student lounge until their pickup arrives.
SAGE will be serving breakfast from 8:00 - 8:50 on Tuesday through Thursday.
Christmas Spirit Week Themes for December 16th-19th
Join us in participating in Christmas Spirit Week from December 16th-19th. Please see below for each day’s theme. Students should wear regular uniforms on the days they choose not to participate.
Monday, Dec. 16th: Peppermint Day (Wear Red & White or Green & White)
Tuesday, Dec. 17th: All Out Tacky Christmas - Dress head to toe in Christmas attire. Go all out with an ugly Christmas sweater, Whoville crazy hair, and tacky Christmas accessories (lights, hats, socks)!
Wednesday, Dec. 18th: White Winter Wonderland Wednesday -Dress in snowy white as a snowman or in your white winter clothes or snow gear. Remember your white puffer jackets, beanies, earmuffs, scarfs, blankets, and fuzzy socks.
Thursday, Dec. 19th: Long Winter's Nap (Christmas PJs)
Dress Code Guidelines for Christmas Spirit Week
No leggings.
No pajama shorts or boxer shorts
No spaghetti straps, tank tops, or tops with low V neck
Holes/rips/tears in jeans should not be above the knee
Mesh/see-thru tops should not be worn unless there is a full coverage top underneath it.
Tops should touch the top of the pants. If you lift your arms and I can see your skin it is too short and can only be worn with an undershirt.
Skirts must be knee length to align with new school policy and have shorts underneath.
Hats may be worn and open toe shoes
Prayer Requests
The High School Administrative Team would love to partner with families to lift up prayer requests you have. Please fill out the TCS High School Prayer Requests form to submit a request. These requests will be prayed over on a regular basis and kept confidential among the High School Administrative Team.
“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” Colossians 4:2
New Driver Information
Do you have a new student driver? Here’s what you’ll need from us for your student driver to receive their:
Permit - You will need a Certificate of Enrollment
Driver’s License - ADAP Certificate
For both of these certificates, please email hsattendance@tcslions.org, and the front office will help you!
Ordering Class Sweatshirts
As we transition into cooler weather, your student might appreciate having a class sweatshirt. If you're interested, you can find the purchase order link below.
Pre-Absence Form
You can always find the link on Blackbaud on your resource board.
Be mindful that the form must be filled out 5 school days minimum before the student is absent.
It is hard to believe we are in December and graduation will be here before we know it! We have set up for you to order your Trinity Christian cap, gown, tassel, and stole! The total is $65 which includes the cap, gown, tassel, and stole! We do have a $4.95 credit card fee at checkout so the cart total will be $69.95.
The website is up and ready for you to place your orders. Orders must be placed BY January 24th!
SENIORS: It is time to order you Cap & Gown!
Steps to ordering online
Go to www.scholasticimages.com
Choose Trinity Christian
Click on Cap & Gown Packages
OR- Here is the deep link to go directly to the cap & gown
Academic Matters
Remember that the second Do-Over assignments are due on Monday, 12/09. Take advantage of this opportunity to redo one more Formative assignment in each class!
Our December Exams are coming up next week! Here are some great study tips! Plan ahead and study in small chunks! “Cramming” is not the best option!
Need some help with one of your classes? Thursday morning tutoring may be a great option for you! The TCS Beta Club and National Honor Society members are available to provide tutoring in academic subjects. Tutoring sessions will take place in Room 501 on Thursdays from 7:30 to 8:10 a.m. TCS students should use this form to register for a session. To confirm attendance for the Thursday morning tutoring session, students must complete the form by Wednesday each week.
The first semester is rapidly coming to an end, as we only have two more weeks left in the grading period.
Any course that is not passed will have to be made up in order to receive the necessary credit for graduation. Students who fail a semester course will be notified by the counseling department for their make-up credit options.
The counseling department will be doing a final audit of senior transcripts during the first weeks of semester two in order to ensure all seniors have the required credits in order to graduate. Seniors who need to adjust their schedule in order to receive the necessary credits will be notified. Seniors who have questions about their transcript or credits needed for graduation should contact their grade level counselor during the first week of second semester.
SAT Dates for 2024-25
Registration is open for the March, May, and June test dates for the digital SAT. Most colleges, including those that are test optional, consider SAT scores when making admission and placement decisions, and for certain scholarships. Your SAT score is a proven way to show what you’ve learned and stand out on applications.
Below are the upcoming test dates and registration deadlines for the spring administration of the SAT. These are high target dates for 11th graders especially to be taking the SAT. These seats will fill up fast, so don’t delay in registering in order to get the date that you would like.
You can register online for the SAT HERE.
To see test dates and register for the ACT, click HERE.
Georgia Match Official Website
Georgia Match Information Sheet
Paying for College - Scholarship Information
High School Administrative Contacts
Teacher emails utilize the firstname.lastname@tcslions.org address configuration
Blake Bass - Assistant Head of School (Interm High School Principal)- Blake.Bass@tcslions.org
Roby Ross - Director of Student Development - roby.ross@tcslions.org
Karen Brannon - Director of Academics - karen.brannon@tcslions.org
Brian Fourman - Counseling Department Head (11/12th grade Coordinator) - brian.fourman@tcslions.org
Michelle Hutcheson - Counseling Department (9/10th grade Coordinator) - michelle.hutcheson@tcslions.org
Sara Kuchinski - Office Manager - sara.kuchinski@tcslions.org
Attendance - hsattendance@tcslions.org
Nurse - nurses@tcslions.org