Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published April 19, 2020
Volume 38
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Tuesday, July 14th
Glendalough Manor, Tyrone
We CANNOT do exams the same way this year!
We must rethink our purpose of exams and how to fairly assess students on what they have attained mastery of.
Students need an alternate method to demonstrate the knowledge gained over the course of the year
Use project-based assessments for all core subjects except for math that connects with the current crisis in our country.
Teachers will SHARE the project with students by April 27 (at the latest)
The shared document will contain detailed directions and a Rubric
Teachers will also include a timeline with expected benchmark/checkpoints to help students stay on track (these are not submission deadlines but rather a means of breaking down the assignment)
The week of May 11-15th will be a project “work” week for students which will allow them each day to pace themselves to complete the assigned project for each course - NO NEW work will be provided or required during this week
The “exam” will be DUE on a final exam schedule:
Monday 5/18 - Literature
Tuesday 5/19 - Math
Wednesday 5/20 - Science
Thursday 5/21 - History
Friday 5/22 - Spanish
*Students may turn in exams earlier than these dates, but this is the final date for submission
Math will not have a cumulative exam but students will have a LAST test over the material in the last unit of instruction
This last test will be on Tuesday 5/19 and will count as a normal test grade
May 13th-15th will be “math make-up” days where students will be able to redo/resubmit some previous work to improve their math grade before the last test (teachers will communicate these details to their individual classes)
All assignments and make-up work should be turned by May 15th.
New Way to Move Forward
We may not be able to gather together in large groups but we are not going to cancel, we will just make arrangements with a new way to move forward.
Tuesday, May 12 - Honors Night
Invitation will be sent to those that will specifically be recognized - FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT - more details to come
Sunday, May 17 - Graduation
2020 - 2021 Course Requests
There will be an opportunity to view your course requests for the 2020-2021 academic year on Thursday 4/16 through Thursday 4/23. These requests were entered based on the Course Registration Form that was completed during Academic Advisement Day earlier this year. These are simply requests, they will not include days/times or your actual schedule. It will appear only as a list of courses you requested.
If you notice errors in your schedule requests, have additional requests, or need changes please contact your appropriate counselor. NOTE: contact your counselor for your grade level NEXT academic year.
Keep in mind that our Counseling team is available to virtually meet with students/families to help with coping strategies during this time. Change is hard, transition is hard, and certainly this Pandemic is unprecedented. However, we can have courage and take heart, because our God has overcome the world!
Brian Long -
Brian Fourman -
Kayla Whittle -
Senior Schedules
Here is the rundown of the schedule for senior schedules: (note a change in exam schedule)
Friday, May 1st - Last day of regular class (including Bible, etc..)
Monday, May 4 - Math exam
Wednesday, May 6 - All final projects are due by noon on this day.
**The College Board and moved AP exams to an online format with two testing days - details are being communicated to students enrolled in AP courses.
Senior Graduation Announcements
The graduation announcement factory is located in the state of Kentucky. The Governor of Kentucky shut down all non-essential operations two and a half weeks ago. We are waiting on clearance so our factory workers can go back to work and get the graduation announcement orders out! The announcements will be delivered to our Balfour representative. He will be in touch with Ms. Harrelson in the high school office. As soon as those announcements are delivered we will schedule a pick-up time at the high school building.
harvard university Courses
Due to COVID-19 Harvard University has implemented some super cool online offerings. The link is below. There is a $199 verification fee, which would allow us to credit the course. If you’d just like to take a course for fun, many are free of charge!