Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published November 15, 2020
Volume 60
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
High School Experience Survey
We want to hear from you! If you would please take a few minutes to complete this survey we would appreciate and value your response. Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide us with your feedback.
High School Experience Survey Link:
Wednesday, Nov 18th from 8:00am - 11:30am
*The makeup/retake picture is the one that will be used for the yearbook and the only one available for purchase.
Remember to check your email to preview/purchase your student’s Senior formal picture. Also, select which pose you would like to be in the yearbook. If one is not selected the photographer will pick the pose.
The high school will be following a modified schedule the last week of the semester (December 14th - 16th). At the end of each semester, we always implement a modified schedule to accommodate final exams to be careful to not overload students. With the continuation of so many uncertainties, we are moving forward with the modified schedule but will implement alternative forms of assessment for each of our classes in lieu of a traditional exam. Each course will provide specific details to the students regarding the expectations for the end of the semester. For this year, there will be no final exam worth a percentage of the grade but rather students can expect to finish their final units with a project or other smaller graded assessment which will average into the semester grade.
What is coming up next in chapel?
This past week, as we continued our series “CONTAGIOUS: What are you spreading”, we were encouraged by our beloved HS Bible teacher Chris Paschal to spread zeal for the kingdom of God and emit passion for the reigning King Jesus. He challenged us to boil over into the world by embracing the words of Paul, “ Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” He concluded with the wise voice of Proverbs, “Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD.” Thanks, Chris!
Let’s continue in prayer for our final message delivered next week by Val Adams - “I am spreading gratitude”.
HIgh School Chapel
CONTAGIOUS: What are you spreading? GRATITUDE
11/19 Val Adams
Operation Christmas Child shoebox Drive
It is that time of year lean into the lives of the less fortunate around the world and provide Christmas joy, hope, and the message of Jesus. TCS HS, through the efforts of the Bible Department, will be collecting money and resources to send Christmas boxes around the world. The collection date for these boxes will be on or before 11/16. More information will be provided to the students through their Bible classes.
Here is the website for the proactive and curious:
Backpack Buddies of Coweta
The TCS HS has a great opportunity to partner with BackPack Buddies over this Christmas holiday by providing cereal to their foodbank. Our goal is to collect 800 large cereal boxes (any kind) by 12/11. If we can get every HS student to bring in 2 boxes per person before the deadline, then we will easily meet our county’s needs.
Please be in prayer for those who experience hunger as part of their daily routine. If you are interested in BackPack Buddies then go here:
Zoom Admissions Lunches!
Interested in the next step post high school? Not sure where to apply?
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet with Admissions Counselors at a wide variety of institutions to discuss admissions and programming! Up next are Samford, Clemson, and UGA. Students will register for these sessions via the google form link listed below.