Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published November 29, 2020
Volume 62
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him ~Psalm 95:2
We pray that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break that was full of health, joy, love, and peace.
Senior Christmas Tree
Let the tradition is time for The Senior Tree! Seniors please plan to bring in an ornament that represents you to hang on the tree at the front entrance of the high school building. Maybe it is your favorite color, sports team, career, travel location, etc...whatever you select, be sure to bring your ornament in on Thursday 12/3/20 anytime between 7:45am and 10am. We will have hot chocolate and cookies to enjoy! *Remember this is for seniors only
**Please no glass ornaments. Ornaments will be returned to the student on 12/16/20 at the end of exams.
Christmas Break Schedule
Let the countdown to Christmas break begin! We just have two full weeks of classes remaining and then
December 14th - 16th is a modified schedule. Each course will provide specific details to the students regarding the expectations for the end of the semester. For this year, there will be no final exam worth a percentage of the grade but rather students can expect to finish their final units with a project or other smaller graded assessment which will average into the semester grade. Let's do this! We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
HIgh School Chapel
What is coming up next in chapel?
Please be in prayer as Reed Shackelford and Ron Edwards prepare us for the Christmas Season. Praise God that He did not invade the earth with angelic armies to destroy it but rather came near with angelic choirs to announce His eagerness to connect with our broken humanity. In doing so, He offered us a salvation that provides enduring HOPE and accessible PEACE.
We are excited that a team from Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters will be on campus on Wednesday 12/9 to pour a spirit led message into our high school population. We will follow an assembly schedule on this day as follows:
Backpack Buddies of Coweta
The TCS HS has a great opportunity to partner with BackPack Buddies over this Christmas holiday by providing cereal to their foodbank. Our goal is to collect 800 large cereal boxes (any kind) by 12/11. If we can get every HS student to bring in 2 boxes per person before the deadline, then we will easily meet our county’s needs.
Please be in prayer for those who experience hunger as part of their daily routine. If you are interested in BackPack Buddies then go here:
Counseling Department
Mrs. Whittle, Counseling Department Head, visited Junior and Senior classrooms this week. Lessons included a brief devotional time, personality discussions, financial aid content, as well as some coping mechanisms for stress management. Students were engaged and excited to learn about their personalities and seemed to enjoy a day to have light-hearted discussions and laughter filled conversations. If you are the parent of a Junior or Senior, please take some time to chat with your student about classroom guidance this week. The counseling department is always thankful for opportunities to connect with students and we welcome any questions you may have directly for us!
Zoom Admissions Lunches!
Interested in the next step post high school? Not sure where to apply?
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet with Admissions Counselors at a wide variety of institutions to discuss admissions and programming! Students will register for these sessions via the google form link listed below.
Dec 2nd
11:45 - 12:30
Lee University