Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published January 10, 2021
Volume 66
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
We are so thankful to be back on campus together and with face to face instruction in place for our students! In order to continue to be vigilant with COVID safety protocols it is imperative that students arrive on campus each day with a mask. Masks are a regular part of the dress code and requirements at TCS.
We know that getting back into the groove of school takes a little time, so starting Monday, January 11th, we will no longer provide masks for students. Beginning this week, failure to bring a mask will be treated like a dress code infraction and students will be issued 3 demerits. They will need to get one from their car or home before attending class. We encourage students to carry multiple masks in their book bags.
A few more details about masks, social distancing and dress code:
If your student does not have a class first period and they are inside the building, a mask is required. There will be staff members in the multipurpose room watching for students to wear masks while they are socializing. A verbal warning will be issued and documented for not wearing a mask in the multipurpose room. If a second infraction occurs, demerits will follow.
Please encourage your student to eat lunch in one of our classrooms. This will help us create more distance among students at lunch. We are encouraging students to connect with their peer group to find an open classroom with a teacher.
All outerwear (sweatshirts, hoodies, fleece jackets, and pullovers) must be TCS spirit wear purchased or provided through the school store
Khaki, black, gray, or navy blue Docker-style pants, shorts, and capris (girls only) – non-stretch cotton or cotton-twill only – with fly front. They must be tailored (not too large or too small) with proper hem. No sagging pants (a belt should be used to prevent sagging). No fraying or torn look; no carpenters, cargos, rivets, joggers or ankle bunching. Shorts must have an inseam of 4 or more inches and be modest looking. No swim style shorts or athletic shorts are allowed. **When in doubt about the inseam/measurement, a rule of thumb is to apply the fingertip rule
Khaki, black, gray, purple plaid or navy blue pleated, straight, or A-line skirts – non-stretch cotton or cotton-twill only. Skirts may be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
Jeans with no rips holes or tears may only be worn during the week, M-TH with a collared/polo shirt with a Trinity logo. Friday's will remain as TCS spirit days.
GO WEEK may look different this year, but our students have already begun to make an impact on our community this week! Our 9th graders kicked us off by serving at Bridging the Gap, Backpack Buddies, and Midwest Food Bank.
Here are a few important details students need to know when their GO WEEK assignment comes up:
GO WEEK is a part of our Trinity culture and all students are expected to take part in this wonderful opportunity of serving the community. However, if students decide not to attend their GO WEEK service opportunity, then they should plan to attend their regular classes since school is in session. If they decide not to attend the service project or regular classes, then they will need to bring in a medical note to make up the work.
Students should come prepared with a mask and a lunch.
Students should bring their completed release forms (which will be emailed to students) for each trip. They will not be able to attend without these forms.
Mr. Whittle will send a reminder email a day or two before a student is scheduled to serve.
Where are the Chromebooks?!
That is the million dollar question. According to the distributors, there was another holdup due to the holidays (apparently they don’t ship to schools during this period because there is no one there to receive the shipments). Believe me, we would have camped out to meet them here if we had known that tid bit of information! Therefore... we’re looking late January at this point.
Counseling Info:
Drop/Add Period: Monday, Jan 4th- Wednesday, Jan 13th
Please contact your grade level counselor for questions/concerns regarding scheduling.
Drop/Add period for Point University Dual Enrollment courses is the same
January 26th - PSAT testing for Juniors on Campus
High School Advisement Day: February 11th, forms due on February 26th.
9th Grade transition meeting on Feb 4th at 6:00pm (Rising 9th Grade)
HIgh School Chapel
Last week Ryan Tipton kicked off our new series in Hebrews 11 by reminding us that every faith story starts with God, the only Hero and center of all creation. Mr. Tipton dipped his toe in the ocean of God’s infinite being and challenged us to make God alone the center of our story. He warned that too many of us have grown up physically but grown away from God. Who centers your universe?, he asked. If it is not God, then there is no faith story to be told, only a fool’s story.
Please continue to pray for the upcoming topics and speakers
1/14/21 - Kenny Dallas - EXPENSIVE faith (Heb. 11:4-6)
1/21/21 - Brian Long - OBEDIENT faith (Heb. 11:7)
1/28/21- Tony Geasley - WAITING faith (Heb. 11:8-16)
Seniors, please use this link to request transcripts with first semester grades to be sent to colleges. Please do not email a request. Transcripts will be sent when they are finalized, about the second week of January. Unofficial transcripts will also be emailed to students and parents.