Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published May 16, 2021
Volume 84
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
3rd District Congressional Art Contest
We are very impressed with the 12 art pieces that were entered in the 3rd District Congressional Art Contest. Take a look at the pieces that placed in this large event:
Critically Judged Category
2nd Place Winner – Jordan Roberts for Gone But Not Forgotten
Runner Up - McKayla Neill for Life at a Standstill
Runner Up – Leah Ross for At The Dining Table
Runner Up - Mali Bourque for A Family’s Universal Love
People’s Choice Category
9th Place – Tori Taylor for Self-Reflections
11th Place - Jordan Roberts for Gone But Not Forgotten
For the third straight week, multiple high school seniors stood before their peers to share a word of encouragement and instruction during our chapel series entitled: "Senior Moments." Seniors Noah Grimes, Sofia Varela, and Matt Fourman addressed the student body this week. We continue to hear conversations from students during the day who have been inspired and challenged by what they hear from these students at chapel. Noah Grimes taught us what it looks like to "own" our faith, Sophia reminded us to find our worth in the Lord instead of fleeting endeavors, and Matt warned us against living a stagnant life but rather to throw off the obstacles that would keep us from running well. Summer is almost here! We conclude the final chapel series of the year next Thursday.
Yearbook Distribution
Seniors were able to pick up their yearbooks this past week. Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors are now able to pick up their yearbooks during the lunch hour each day at the small conference room next to the high school front office. Be sure to listen to the morning announcements for any additional times to pick up your yearbook.
GA Department of Driver Services ( requires the following original documents. The forms are good for thirty days from the day entered by the high school office.
Driver Permit - Certificate of School Enrollment
Driver License - Certificate of School Enrollment and an ADAP Certificate
Until Wednesday, June 2nd
These documents should be requested 48 hours in advance via email to or and may be picked up at the High School Office between 7:30am-3:30pm.
June 3rd through August 1st
These documents should be requested 48 hours in advance via email to and and picked up Monday - Friday at the Elementary Office from 9:00am - 1:00pm
Cross Curriculum Activity
Is it math? Is it science? It’s BOTH! Honors Geometry students completed an introductory physics lab to put their math skills to work in determining the density of unknown substances. It was the perfect opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in their math class about density and the volume of three dimensional shapes to a science lab situation.
Honor’s Night
When: Tuesday, May 18
Where: Football Stadium
Time: 7pm - 8pm
Who: Invitations will be sent out
Honors night is our annual celebration of our students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement through various areas of student involvement. This is also the time when awards, stoles and cords will be distributed to our graduates. All students being recognized on honors night will receive a special invitation. However, we would love for all of the Senior class to attend as we will have a "Grateful Graduates and Goodies" reception after the honors night presentation (approx 8-8:30).
Senior Spotlights
Check Facebook and Instagram for our Senior Spotlights!
Graduation Practice and Senior Lunch:
Wednesday, May 19th at 1pm - Meet at the football stadium
We will quickly run-thru the ceremony on the football field, and then have lunch together following our rehearsal.
TCS Graduation
Thursday, May 20 @ 7:00pm
Our graduates will sit on the field together as a class. Pods will be placed for 2 additional guests of the graduate to sit on the field. *ONLY two tickets will be provided to the graduate to share with individuals to have a reserved spot on the field. The stadium will be open for anyone else that would like to attend this milestone event!
As for the stadium seating, please know that this will be as first come first serve. Chairs can be placed at the very top of section but not throughout the stadium. This event will be professionally filmed with an offer to purchase, as well as live streamed for those that can not attend for various reasons.
Senior Finals:
Monday, May 17th and Tuesday, May 18th (class specific instructions will be sent from your teachers)
End of the Year Schedule for Underclassmen
Let the countdown to Summer break begin! We just have three full weeks of classes remaining and then
May 24th- 26th is a modified schedule.
Each course will provide specific details to the students regarding the expectations for the end of the semester. For this year, there will be no final exam worth a percentage of the grade but rather students can expect to finish their final units with a project or other smaller graded assessment which will average into the semester grade. Let's do this! We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!